Return from the Wilds

Nature is an absolute tonic to a world with way too much input in every moment of every day.

My bliss: I backpacked high into the mountains with a couple of friends. Our highest altitude was just over 10K feet. I camped in a one-(wo)man tent with an amazing view of the mountain range behind a glacier-fed lake. As I was settling into coziness and sleep, listening to alternating complete silence and howling winds...a thought occurred to me...

How often does one get the chance to self-pleasure at 10K ft altitude in the wilderness? I quite simply couldn't pass up that opportunity. So I thought of all the juicy things I planned to do to my sweet man when I returned...and can now say I have experienced ecstasy at 10K feet.

10K Feet

I told him about my inspired masturbatory merriment when I arrived home yesterday. He's ready for whatever I had running through my mind like hot sugar up there in the mountains...whatever I envisioned that pushed me over the edge into a religious state (Oh God! Oh God!)...and I've yet to even tell him what it was. Love that trust. The unknown can be exquisitely exciting.

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