Don’t Put a Condom on that Toxic Sex Toy!
Toxic Sex Toys From Amazon As more people get comfortable with exploring the world of pegging, and sex toys in general, I see an alarming
Information and resources for anal sex, bdsm, strap-ons, intimacy, and female domination. Let Ruby know what you think! Leave a comment, register for erotica, or catch a webinar.
Toxic Sex Toys From Amazon As more people get comfortable with exploring the world of pegging, and sex toys in general, I see an alarming
(I used gender binary pronouns in this piece, as it relates to society’s views about masculinity and heterosexual sex. No offense intended, as clearly there
Who knew there was a different suggested pH for vaginal versus anal lube! And I actually mean that. WHO knew! The World Health Organization (WHO)
This piece is written using the gender binary, because of the subject matter of masculinity, how it affects the world of pegging, and how pegging
Sunday 1/19 is my next Virtual Happy Hour! Register Here. A couple of letters for you today! Masculine surrender and vulnerability and so-called ‘virginity’. I
Articles/Information Equipment Webinar Sale is ON – Limited Time Offer All 3 of my Webinars – the Premium Pegging Package – are now on sale
10 Responses
Personally, I think a shirt with Ruby’s website printed on it would be the very best in “getting your forever man”. Since I got pegged by someone that knows well how to use her equipment, she is my “Forever” woman. Security in your own sexuality and educated by Ruby on the practice will make ANY man a one woman man for life, and a happy one too:)
Actually I created these shirts at Zazzle. Was this what you were thinking?
Haha, nice one Ruby. Picturing being the guy in the Grocery store. My eyes would probably widen in surprise initially. Question then would be if I can overcome the surprise in time to smile before you go…
P.S. chemistry is important haha
A knowing smile is sometimes all I need to have the chutzpah to approach a man. Yes, chemistry is all-important.
no, a lot of the time
no, all the time
i am concerned that (most) women will be turned off
by the idea of pegging and/or anal sensuality
sheesh…what a downer
and yeah, per Ruby’s comments
i think a lot of men
enjoy heterosexual and mutual anal sexual pleasure
can i say that
yeah i think so
your insights will be much appreciated
Sorry your comment slipped through the cracks – so, to respond a little late, there are indeed more sexually open-minded women out there, and those are the clues you look for first. From there, if you present the desire to play anally as something fun and not like you have leukemia, it goes over better. Be confident and playful! If she shuts you down you don’t want to be with her anyway…it would be nothing but sexual frustration.
I would approach with an ice-breaker, hoping for the best — Would I be wrong if I had you “pegged” as a smart and eco-friendly woman?
Lol! You’d totally get me with that one!
Thanks! 🙂
PS: Address of this grocery store? 😀
Anyone who is serious about wanting to meet me can go to FetLife.com, create a decent profile and send a polite, creative and articulate letter of introduction to Ruby_Ryder.