Meeting an “Ass Man”

So I got this cool tote bag at CatalystCon West that says "Aneros" on it in large print...and I delight in taking it into the grocery store to see who recognizes it.

Who knows, maybe this is how I will meet my forever man...

10 Responses

  1. Personally, I think a shirt with Ruby’s website printed on it would be the very best in “getting your forever man”. Since I got pegged by someone that knows well how to use her equipment, she is my “Forever” woman. Security in your own sexuality and educated by Ruby on the practice will make ANY man a one woman man for life, and a happy one too:)

  2. Haha, nice one Ruby. Picturing being the guy in the Grocery store. My eyes would probably widen in surprise initially. Question then would be if I can overcome the surprise in time to smile before you go…

    P.S. chemistry is important haha

  3. sometimes
    no, a lot of the time
    no, all the time
    i am concerned that (most) women will be turned off
    by the idea of pegging and/or anal sensuality
    sheesh…what a downer
    and yeah, per Ruby’s comments
    i think a lot of men
    enjoy heterosexual and mutual anal sexual pleasure
    can i say that
    yeah i think so
    your insights will be much appreciated

    1. Sorry your comment slipped through the cracks – so, to respond a little late, there are indeed more sexually open-minded women out there, and those are the clues you look for first. From there, if you present the desire to play anally as something fun and not like you have leukemia, it goes over better. Be confident and playful! If she shuts you down you don’t want to be with her anyway…it would be nothing but sexual frustration.

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