Here's what this picture makes me think about...I wanted him in exactly this position on my bed.
Once upon a time - I issued a spontaneous invitation to a young man who wanted to explore pegging with me. An unbearably handsome young man who was eager and wanting. We'd already had dinner, confirmed that indeed chemistry was there in plenitude. The kisses were hot.
So back to the spontaneous invitation. His work had interfered with us getting together a few times - to our mutual frustration.
I sent him a message.
"Come up and see me Saturday night...."
He replied.
"If I'm not out of town... I'm face down, ass up in your den!"
Loved the Cougar reference.
So last night I was thinking about this man, his full lips, handsome face, brilliant smile...and hungry ass.
I had him face down on the bed, blindfolded, with his wrists and ankles secured to the bed. I was pushing into him slowly, teasingly.
"Just fuck me!" He pleaded, between moans.
"Not yet, handsome...." I continued giving his ass not quite enough. He pushed his ass back in an effort to get...more.
I withdrew and he gasped. I switched out the dildo to one a quarter inch larger in diameter.
"You want more?"
"Yes!!" His voice sounded tortured behind the blindfold.
I lubed up the larger dildo, climbed back on the bed and pushed it gradually into his ass. As the head of it sunk inside him, he understood what kind of 'more' I'd meant. But he wasn't complaining. Just exclaiming.
"Oh! Oh God! Oh Jesus!"
Very, very hot.
Clearly a religious experience.
So that's what I was thinking about last night. And it made for a rollicking good orgasm.
4 Responses
very hot, sounds like a perfect night!
The start of one, indeed!
OMG that sounds amazing! I really need a hot man to peg ASAP…!
As do I!!!