Day 6 Orgasm 8

When I am connected to my sexuality - I tend to lead with my hips more, and that's how I felt when I got up this morning. Connected. Aroused just by being alive, and seeing the world as just plain sexy. The deep purple velvet of the pansies growing in pots on my deck. The softness of the pure cotton sheets against my skin. The tangy sweetness of the orange chicken I had for dinner. It's all so damn sexy.

She woke up that morning needing a cock. No - not in the 'I need a guy to come and fuck me' way of needing a cock. She needed her own cock. She needed to strap in on, feel it taking up space in her jeans and know that anyone who cared to look would know that she was packing. Her cock. She loved packing.

He woke up that morning needing a cock, above and beyond the morning wood between his legs. He needed to feel filled up and taken. It had been too long since he'd gotten fucked. He pouted at the lack of cocks in his life, told his own cock to calm down and dressed to take a walk to the coffee shop. Saturday wasn't starting off well.

She slipped her largest packer into her tight briefs and pressed it against her clit. She loved wearing it. Zipping up her jeans, she grabbed her cock and checked out her profile in the mirror. Nice. She walked the 3 blocks to the coffee shop, feeling her cock with every step. She smiled. Saturday was starting off well.

He walked in and saw the line, frowning. He'd slept in later than usual and now had to pay the price. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and indulged in some people watching for a distraction. The front door opened and a short girl with spiky blond hair walked in. She was buff. A body like that was the reward for hard daily exercise. She had on a black tank top and jeans. She had a huge smile on her face. Cat ate the canary kind of smile. He was intrigued.

She walked into the coffee shop and got in line. Her clit was throbbing from the friction of the packer. If felt so fucking good it was hard to sit still. She swore that if she just kept walking down the street she could come from the pressure created by the base of the packer in the tight briefs she wore. She saw a slender dark-haired boy checking her out. Impulsively, she grabbed her cock pointedly and smiled at him, then winked.

He hadn't meant to stare, but that's exactly what he was doing. He didn't often go for women, but this one was interesting. She turned and caught his gaze, meeting eyes with him. Then the weirdest thing happened; she grabbed her crotch and grinned at him! His eyes followed her hand and when it fell away from her crotch there was no mistaking the outline of a cock there. That was a surprise! His eyes flew back up to hers and she winked at him.

On a whim, he left his place ahead of her in line, walked passed the 3 people between them and scooted into the space just ahead of her.

"May I..." he glanced obviously down at her cock, " you a coffee this fine morning?"

She erupted in laughter with the fun of it all. Grabbing her packer one more time, she nodded and offered a cocky, one-sided smile.

"I'd like that. I'm Julie." She extended the very hand she'd just grabbed her cock with.

"Awesome! I'm Trevor." He took her hand and shook it, feeling the strength of her grip, and wondered at how quickly a potential cock could enter his life, and hopefully his ass.

Julie made small talk with the boy who clearly loved her cock and was going to buy her coffee. He had a nice ass. She decided to invite him home with her. Her cock walk had turned her on, and now she needed to fuck someone. Trevor looked more than game. He was actually having difficulties keeping his eyes off her crotch.

Trevor's ass began to twitch in anticipation.

They picked up their coffees and Julie crooked her finger at him and walked out the door. Trevor followed, jonesing for the cock in Julie's jeans. He was so glad he'd slept in.


2 Responses

  1. LOVELY story, Ruby.

    I’d forgotten the significance of the month of May (having had a very busy April), so thank you for reminding me and allowing me to catch up (on my reading, of course)

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