Just go to 9:25 and listen carefully to the question and answer...
Thank you, Ryan Reynolds, for helping to make pegging more mainstream, normal, no big deal.

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Toxic Sex Toys From Amazon As more people get comfortable with exploring the world of pegging, and sex toys in general, I see an alarming
3 Responses
I absolutely LOVED this movie, and the scene where he gets pegged was priceless!!
I went to see it 3 times and I heard more jokes every time! Can’t wait to see it with subtitles… 🙂
I saw the movie last night, I didn’t like the movie. Although the sex scene was ok, but the rest of the movie was not good to me. The sex scene was too short.
I think ‘hehe” that Ryan fell in love with the lady because she pegged him and Ryan could not get enough of it.