I have searched far and wide to try and find the artist of this piece. I would love to ask permission and give full credit to the creator of such hot loveliness, such enticing explicitness, such stuff from the very fantasies of Pegging enthusiasts...
Please help me find the artist, because I need this framed and in my office! I need a book of this person's art! Of course, were that to come true, you might not see me for a few days...**fans self**
Are his hands tied? I believe they are...
Click on the image to see it larger. You know you want to...
Ruby Ryder (squirming)
I located the artist of this piece!!! Click Here.
10 Responses
He could be holding on to a bar; however, he is most likely suspended. The cock Ring looks good too.
Goodness…it all looks good!
Am a 39 year old man, and never knew that pegging existed until recently, and it’s like I’ve just had my eyes and my mind opened! Wow – just amazing!
Well what a lovely picture to have your mind opened with! Welcome to Pegging Paradise, Alex.
Pegging seems to be, apart from so incredibly arousing and sexual, a huge statement on trust, role-reversal and submission. x
Very perceptive observations from one who has yet to experience pegging. Those three things are indeed key. I might substitute the word vulnerability or openness for submission – just because the word submission has a lot of associations that don’t necessarily apply, depending on how the couple chooses to enjoy pegging.
I would absolutely agree about the incredibly arousing part…. 😉
Whenever I see pegging images now, it’s now that I realise where my future is.
Vulnerable or open are much better words – vulnerable in that, I do believe that men need a confidence to admit that they do want to “open themselves up” (slight pun intended) into being so “guided” by their female partner.
Agree too about the arousing part – wow! You are a gorgeous,perceptive angel.
Alex – thanks for your kind words. I can tell you have the pegging bug. 😉 Enjoy the discovery, whenever you get there, and let us know how it goes!
No problem at all Ruby – it’s just wonderful to be here, and to discover a true calling. It might be somewhat more “off the beaten path” but that makes it all the more intimate, and powerful, I think.
Will keep you updated and let you know how it goes. 😉
In addition to this, I write and act for a living, and was thinking about writing some fiction based on my erotic discovery in the coming weeks/months.
Do you have any way I could submit some to you – either directly or via your site? I could give you one of my websites, for anonymity, that you reply to so I could send my writing for consideration?
Many thanks Ruby – you are an inspiration.
I will PM you, Alex!