New Word for Pegging Enthusiasts

My travels in the world of Pegging have led me to amass quite a collection of Penetralia!!!

Credit where credit is due...

I have to credit Babes N Horny for this word!  You might want to take a look at their offerings...particularly this piece of pure freakin' genius, the "Me2".

Hope you are all enjoying the end of a lusty and penetration-filled weekend...

Happy Pegging,

Ruby Ryder

4 Responses

  1. I have been to Asstralia, sadly before my pegging career began. Because I would have loved to hear an Aussie accent attached to a man’s passionate murmurings as I sunk into his derriere. What can I say – I’m a sucker for accents…and asses.

  2. Well, Ruby, it’s never too late! Perhaps you could become sort of a strap-on missionary to Oz. If Mormons can go door-to-door, why not a strap-on evangelist?

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