Sex Blogger Needs Help

It's about freedom. It's about encouraging a sex-positive society. It's about respecting those who live a little outside the box.

Kendra Holliday writes a spunky, irreverent, pithy blog called "The Beautiful Kind". Her writing is unique and daring. Kendra writes about her sex such an open, balls-out manner that it's kind of addicting. Few writers offer up their personal lives to such an extent. She claims not to be a sex blogger (sorry about the title, Kendra), but the way she writes about her wonderfully pervy pretty damn stimulating. It is also unflinching. That's the addicting part - the honesty.

Kendra recently outed herself as the author behind her blog in an article in the St Louis Riverfront Times. As a consequence, her ex-husband sued for total custody of their 10 year old daughter. She needs help with legal fees to fight her make the case that a family that is a little outside the box is still a loving, nurturing family where her child can thrive.

Anyone who is here on my pervy enough to have wondered just what would happen if they were outed. This woman is brave enough to make a stand...let's support her. You can make a donation to the The Sexual Freedom and Legal Defense Fund in her name - there is a link halfway down this page. Do what you can. It's about freedom.

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