Desensitizing Anal Lubes

One word.


Here is an Amazon review for a popular anal desensitizing lube that will make everything clear:

Thanks to whoever invented this product! It works great! (Be careful though, I bled for like a whole day after using it). Make sure you take it slow then go a steady pace. Don't get too rough cause I was in a lot of pain for like the whole day after the 1st time we used it. But on the super plus side I didn't feel a thing during =)

I don't really have to explain here, do I? Okay...I might as well.

Pain is an indicator. It would have been an indicator for the "in a lot of pain" reviewer if he/she had not had a numbed-out ass during rough anal play.

Please do not use anal lubes with benzocaine or lidocaine in them just so you can go too fast with too large of a dildo with not enough lube. If it hurts you are doing it wrong. If you numb your ass, you won't know if you are doing it wrong. Ignore this advice and you might want to read about the world of anal fissures.

Play safe!



4 Responses

  1. glad you put your statement! i used the desentisizing lube a couple of times and guess what: i didn’t feel a thing, while in the first place i wanted to feel everything!! as for pain; pain is a warning, do not ignore pain especially inside your body!!
    relax and let things happen. take a brake when in pain, relax and continue…it’s like heaven

  2. I am absolutely opposed to desensitizing lubes. Surely the idea is to enjoy the feeling of being penetrated, or is this something invented by a “Man” who wants to “do” her in the butt, har har.
    I’ve not seen much information on lubes here, but I personally recommend J-lube. This is a powder that you have to mix up yourself. It’s very cheap so you don’t have to worry if you use abundant quantities. Once mixed you can easily store any excess in the freezer and microwave the mixed lube to ensure sterility.
    Silicon lube feels warm and stays slippery for a long time. Watch out though, it makes unpleasant gray stains on bedsheets.
    Lube application is as important as the lube itself. For good pegging you need to get a reasonable quantity of lube in the rectum prior to going in.
    You can use a “lube shooter” or a suitable disposable syringe.

    1. I think desensitizing lubes are used primarily by people who don’t know jack about how to approach an ass other than what they have see in porn. I have heard J-Lube is good. My two faves are Maximus and Boy Butter H2O. Both are water based because of my silicone toys. I have heard about J-Lube but not tried it yet.

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