You ask for the larger one.
As I slip the harness on you shyly ask if perhaps...
I could fuck you with our biggest toy.
I raise my eyebrows at your request.
That toy can be fickle.
It has delivered pleasure like no other...
and also a little pain.
If that's what you want...
That's what I will fuck you with.
I fit it into the harness. always impressed by it's size.
You turn over onto your stomach.
I pull you back over.
As I push the immensity of this toy into your depths...
I want to see your face.
I want to see your struggle to open up...
and your rewards when you do.
That look of utter out-of-control being taken.
Of feeling bared and exposed.
Of walking the line carefully between
as much as you can handle...
...and then maybe a little more.
This was easy to get off on...!
©Ruby Ryder
2 Responses
Ruby what a beautiful poem! Having looked at your website a lot these past couple of days, I am coming to the conclusion that I think I could be persuaded to do this. I find the thought of giving my all to a woman increasingly appealing and letting her vent her desire on me.
Thanks for your kind words about my writing. That one was truly inspired by a lovely man.
Oooo….another potential convert. How exciting! When you discover another possible turn on it’s always a bright and shiny time. Enjoy…and keep us updated, if you like. There are many here interested in your journey beyond me…lurkers with the interest and desire but not at the point of action, yet. On the verge…
Submitting to a woman can be remarkable.