The smirking, self-satisfied look she had on her face blew my mind.
WTF? I had only just mentioned this couple of days ago in an altered state of post-fucking bliss.
Now here she stood as I walked through the door.
Looking like that.
Holy crap!
And the fucking toy in that harness! Could it be any bigger? What was she thinking?
Whatever she was thinking, my cock agreed and my ass tingled in anticipation.
My body wanted it, as much as my mind was protesting.
I saw the ball gag on the side table and decided voicing those protests would be a bad idea.
"On your knees, baby." Her voice was firm.
I did as I was told and she guided the toy into my mouth...
This is what got me off last night. A tale in my head spun from a photo.
See any recurring themes, yet? Surprise is one of them.
Giving him a little more that he thinks he can take is another...Yum.