Day 18 Orgasm 21


Gotta love May. I am doggedly pursuing my goal of at least one orgasm per day! And today was not difficult. Was kind of like the Trader Joe's guy. But this man was tall, silver haired with blue eyes. He had a vitality that almost vibrated off of him as he stood there in line at the Post Office. Like it was unnatural for him not to be moving. Hiking in the mountains, swimming in the ocean, doing something, creating something. There was a delighted with life quality about him. There he was stuck in line at the Post Office, but instead of getting angry or frustrated, he wore quite a smile on his face. A cat ate the canary smile.

He was ahead of me in line and we met eyes and exchanged smiles on his way out. Bit of a thrill, yes indeed.

So it was the silver haired man who, in my mind, I began playing with in all the usual manners that I like to play...and then he took control and fucked me for a long, long time, holding me in his arms and kissing me. Yep - that thought sent me!

Note: This is rare for me! It's almost always me doing something to a guy, not often does the thought of NOT being in control turn me on. Perhaps I've had enough control during all the days of May so far? *shrugs*

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