Eleven years ago today, I made my first post here at Pegging Paradise. Back then, my aspirations (pun always intended) were to be a writer of erotica. As Pegging Paradise turns 11, I realize I am a writer of spicy stories, and so much more. You have all been an important, nay, essential part of discovering what else I am! For that I am grateful.
Writer of Erotica
I still write erotica. Sexy ideas play in my head. They beg to be turned into a story. Sometimes that happens because of someone else's recounting of their pegging experience. Sometimes a chain of ideas can start with a few random words, creating a story that insists on being recorded for posterity. (Or is that for posteriors?) Without you readers, my erotica would be pointless, because stories don't read themselves.
Shame Silencer and Embarrassment Eraser
Over time, I found Pegging filled with a lot of shame and embarrassment for receivers, and for givers, too. Helping you silence those pernicious messages that put a negative or fear-filled spin on the very sexual activities that call to you; that's my mission. I delight in speaking matter-of-factly about subjects that are teeming with taboo! However, without you intrepid explorers, my encouragements would be moot.
Just the Facts, Ma'am
Education is unquestionably empowering. I teach you the facts, and show you the misconceptions and myths that do not serve you. I show you a different way to look at sexy times, and the pleasures that perspective can offer. Teaching about the still fairly taboo subject of pegging is one of my greatest joys. My education is sought after and welcomed, thanks to your brave explorations. A teacher needs students!
Diving Deeply
I offer my knowledge to the world because I consider it to be valuable. There are definitely folx out there seeking advice and instruction around pegging. I delight in taking quite a deep dive into the subject, including all the details and specifics I have gleaned over the years. I teach the basics, and the not-so-basics, including typical tips, and also offering up a few stunning surprises. Time after time, I watch you lovely explorers revel in and celebrate the perspectives I offer. You eat it up. This makes me so happy!
Abundant Appreciation
You are so appreciative! For every person who has taken the time to write and tell me how much my teachings have helped them along the path of sexual exploration, I know there are more of you who feel the same but have not written in. If anything I put out into the world has helped you on your path, I am honored. This is why I do what I do! For you. Because at the end of the day, my mission in life is to enable you all to find more pleasure in your lives.
Vacation Time for Ruby!
Thanks to your donations, your lovely toy purchases, and your gracious generosity in spreading the word about my webinars, I am taking a long weekend away with my sweet partner. Off to wine country we go, for relaxation, play and creating. Thanks to you all, this is possible in my life!
So Much Gratitude
Thank you all, for your support, your encouragement, your interest, your patronage, your questions, your stories, and so much more. Because of you, I have the blessing of doing what I love for my life's work. It's been a wild and wonderful 11 years. I am proud of what I created. Most importantly, Pegging Paradise wouldn't exist without you!