So let's talk about opening up asses.
But first let's talk about the word foreplay. This is a word I wish had never been invented where PIV (penis in vagina) intercourse is concerned. Foreplay is the first act of the play, not something you skip. It's all a part of sex, and not separate or optional. During PIV when you skip foreplay, the experience is usually not as pleasurable for the vagina owner. If mutual orgasmic satisfaction is the goal, foreplay is pretty essential.
So What About Opening Up For Pegging?
Foreplay is a part of Pegging, too. And the role reversal pegging offers (that I wax poetic about) absolutely comes into play here. Now we have the vagina owner (giver) taking time to do foreplay for the benefit of the penis owner (receiver). Nice switcheroo, no?
Rushing through foreplay in terms of opening up the receiver for penetration can make the experience less pleasurable for the receiver. Considering it totally optional is not usually advisable for reasons of safety as well as pleasure, especially for beginners.
So okay, spend some time there and seduce that ass! Tease it until the receiver is asking to be penetrated, perhaps even begging for it. I like to wait until they are hungry for it, so hungry that the level of teasing is a bit sadistic. But that's my choice of how to do foreplay and pegging, and of course it's not for everyone.
Pegging is customizable, even where foreplay is concerned!
Lately it has come to my attention that there are many different approaches to opening up an ass. Let me present some possibilities to you...
Receiver in Charge of Opening Up
- The couple has a negotiated consensual D/s (dominant/submissive) dynamic. The submissive receiver presents ready for pegging, both clean and open. Taking the receiver's ass powerfully and immediately as the dominant giver can be an exciting way to play. The feeling of your ass taken like that can be heady and thrilling, too.
- The D/s dynamic need not even be a part of that scenario. Perhaps the giver is all about only the pegging, but really doesn't want to do the foreplay of opening up, and the receiver is totally okay with that arrangement. The receiver does all the prep and then gets fucked. That's another wonderful option.
Opening Up Neither Needed Nor Desired
- An experienced receiver knows that they can take a toy of a certain size with no opening up. They may even enjoy the discomfort (masochist) from too quick of a penetration. No danger of injury to the receiver because of their extensive experience. Do this one carefully in terms of toy size (it is the only exception to my rule of - 'if it hurts, you are doing something wrong'). It plays beautifully into receiver fantasies of being held down and forcibly fucked. It can also satisfy giver fantasies of taking an ass hard and fast, and the absolute power inherent in that experience.
BDSM, Anyone?
- The couple have an established negotiated, consensual D/s dynamic where the receiver is dominant. The receiver rides the face of the giver (who may or may not be tied spread-eagle to the bed). who uses only their lips and tongue (rimming). The strap-on is already is on the giver. When the receiver has had enough tongue action (is it ever enough?!), they can mount the toy and ride it for their pleasure.
- One more! Penetrating the receiver (restrained or not) with successively larger vibrating plugs can be very exciting. The giver has remotes to work the plugs in a teasing manner, turning them on and off. The giver could even be pleasing themselves in a variety of ways in front of the receiver, to orgasm or not (more teasing). The receiver watches and waits, hungry for the next larger plug, and the next vibes. Nipple play, kissing, cock teasing, cbt are all optional. At some point the giver decides it's time for pegging.
In Conclusion
The responsibility of foreplay or opening up the receiver need not always rest with the giver. It can look many different ways, and is just as customizable as pegging itself. Beyond safety rules ensuring no injury, there are many choices of how to open up the receiver for action. Talk with each other and decide what works for you. Have some fun with it. Perhaps I have inspired you to try 'opening up' to something new!
2 Responses
For me its hard to take it without lube i haven’t been pegged many times ( found a partner just few months ago) , she is in charge she is who apply lube finger me , but i always take it hard, my partner is the dom , we love power exchange as we live in patriarchy society
Glad you found a partner! I don’t actually advise anyone to do pegging without lube, even though some people do. Letting someone be dominant over you doesn’t give them the right to injure you, and pegging without lube can cause tearing of tissues because the ass is not self-lubricating. Power exchange is fun, but play safe!