Masturbation Month #22
Happy Masturbation Month!! To exult, exhort and exhaust…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! Pain, Pleasure, and Pink Leather Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
Happy Masturbation Month!! To exult, exhort and exhaust…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! Pain, Pleasure, and Pink Leather Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
Happy Masturbation Month!! To fiddle with, frolic and fantasize…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! For Her Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
Happy Masturbation Month!! To raise hell, renew, and reassure…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! Every Day Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
Happy Masturbation Month!! To distract, divert, and dance around…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! He Needed Some Bliss Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
Pegging Paradise Podcast #260 Part 2 He wonders if it’s okay for a submissive male to be…pretty much worthless, okay with that, and just be abused as a slave What happens when pegging becomes normal in a relationship? Decreased frequency?
Pegging Paradise Podcast #260 Part 1 He wonders if it’s okay for a submissive male to be…pretty much worthless, okay with that, and just be abused as a slave What happens when pegging becomes normal in a relationship? Decreased frequency?
Happy Masturbation Month!! To amuse, attract, and allure…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! Two of My Favorite Things Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
Happy Masturbation Month!! To suggest, seduce, and suck in…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! Beating a Dominant Man Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
Happy Masturbation Month!! To coax, convert, and convince…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! Coming Home Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
Happy Masturbation Month!! To wake up, work up, and win over…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! The Behemoth Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby