Masturbation Month #25
Happy Masturbation Month! To benefit, bemuse, and be carnal…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! My Boys Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
Happy Masturbation Month! To benefit, bemuse, and be carnal…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! My Boys Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby
This really really spoke to me. If any of you out there are exploring alternative relationship structures, perhaps you will like it, too! Enjoy. Kimchi Cuddles on Facebook Kimchi Cuddles on Patreon
For the majority of my life, I have bowed to society’s expectations regarding the rules of my relationships. Specifically, I was monogamous. Or rather, I attempted to be monogamous. My success rate was somewhat reflective of the general population’s, actually.
Poly triads can be tricky. Especially one where the two men are so different. Zach and Taylor are having trouble adjusting to living together with Ruby. They become pretty invested in competing with each other for Ruby’s attentions and praise. It all comes to a head one morning over a simple cup of coffee. Ruby is determined to whip the boys into shape and work things out. The boys surprise themselves and Ruby, too!
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polyamory, bisexuality, bdsm, relationships
Liz loves her boys. When she goes out of town, they get into all kinds of mischief. Liz knows what they are doing, because she leaves directions as to exactly what kind of mischief they are expected to engage in! As much fun as Jason and Chris have with each other, they can’t wait until Liz gets home.
Polyamory, bisexuality, edging, MMF, lite D/s
2450 words
Liz’s Boys Teaser: Liz loves her boys. When she goes out of town, they get into all kinds of mischief. Liz knows what they are doing, because she leaves directions as to exactly what kind of mischief they are expected
You readers who are not into bisexuality…you might be a little frustrated at this point. C’est la vie! The bisexual fantasies have taken hold of me and refuse to loosen their grip. That’s partly because I have recently had