Presenting Podcast #283

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Tag: slut-shaming

Ruby Ryder shares woman with purple hair pegging man laying face down on bed

Presenting Podcast #283

Pegging Paradise Podcast #283 Presenting Podcast #283 for your listening pleasure! He wants to be slut shamed; she needs suggestions He masturbated with anal play in front of her, and has feels about it Trying to get his wife on

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Navigating Toward Non-Monogamy

For the majority of my life, I have bowed to society’s expectations regarding the rules of my relationships. Specifically, I was monogamous. Or rather, I attempted to be monogamous. My success rate was somewhat reflective of the general population’s, actually.

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

He Says it So Well!

Dan Savage on the Madonna/Whore disconnect many men struggle with. Leave it to this guy to put words to this subject that make the point hilariously – and quite well!!

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM


There’s been a lot of discussion lately about “slut-shaming”. There’s no doubt that a double standard exists. Men are studs when they are sexually active but women are sluts. Men are virile, awesome and sought after. He’s a real “ladies

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