Watching the crimson clouds of the sunset decorating the sky outside my window, at long last I ask myself the question it has taken me years to consider.
What better job is there than writing...about…Sex?
Sex! In all its warm, wet lusciousness and hard, quivering pleasure.
Erotica has always been the furtive lover I held close to my curves during steamy evening tête-à-têtes but lacked the courage to embrace and caress in the brightness of day. Relegated to a dark drawer for years, my stories, all hot and bothered, waited impatiently for me to ask that question. However today…I finger my way to the back of the filing cabinet and tease out my collection of tantalizing tales, each like a ripe mango offering juicy sweetness and tart surprise, needing only a sharp knife to expose the treasure. My pen is my knife now, the dark drawer conquered. I caress the pages, stroking them, tweaking them until they gasp and moan under the bold strokes of my pen. In other words, I apologize to them with my attentions.
Some years ago I told someone close to me that I wanted to write erotica. Admittedly, my choice of who to tell this information wasn't a well thought out one. The response I received went something like this…
“Really? I always thought that people who wrote erotica were sort of like people who did porn movies because they couldn’t make it acting in real movies…that if you could be a ‘real’ writer, why would you write erotica?”
Now, let me reply to that comment, if for no other reason than my own joy in having come full circle, back to the pulsing, passionate, sweaty messiness and intrigue of sex-filled tales, and knowing without a doubt that this is where I belong.
Erotica is the sublime seductress of the literary world.
Erotica has an absolute juiciness that no other genre does. There is a profound intimacy in knowing my words have the power to conjure up images that fill readers with hard, wet hungers which demand release. Just the thought of that brings a warm tingle to my nether regions! I believe the world needs more sexiness…and of course more erotica.
For instance The world needs extra-large erotica sections in libraries and bookstores where readers fidget in their chairs. The world needs erotic book club meetings guaranteed to spice up coffee shops and living rooms. And the world definitely needs lovers reading spicy stories aloud to each other as they share that extra glass of wine after dinner. They still sit at the table. The dishes go ignored as, inspired, they create erotica of their own.
So…I offer you my erotica. My stories explore the cravings, the desires, and the kinks. They take you through journeys describing the pain, the pleasure and the longing. They are designed to make you gasp, squirm and wonder.
Come along for the ride…
Ruby Ryder
2 Responses
I am so glad that you, a “real writer” has such passion to share the erotica that flows from her heart and pen. The world doesn’t really need more erotica, it needs more quality erotica, it needs YOUR erotica. The kind that makes me gasp, squirm, and wonder as your stories do. An enjoyable ride indeed!
Sykiknot – thanks so much for your kinds words. I like to think I offer quality erotica – nice to hear you agree… 🙂