2011 – The Men

As this year draws to a close I'm thinking about men. No big surprise there...I think about you guys a lot...what I'd like to do to you and with you. But I am getting distracted here. I'm in a mood to share, so here you go.

In 2011...

♥ I lost a relationship that I really wanted to keep. When I am finished, I'm finished. And damn it, this time I was not finished...but he was. Ultimately I learned some deeply profound things about myself. I discovered a part inside me that needed healing. Had that part of me been more towards the whole and healed instead of the needy and wounded...losing that man would have been tough, but not like the strike of an ax at my roots. Thanks to you readers who sent me sweet notes of sympathy and encouragement. In every situation there is a lesson. I learned how to become a more whole, healthy and resilient Ruby. And Jesus we had some very hot sex! Very nice.


♥ I've recently experienced the distinct pleasure of interacting erotically with the hottest guy I have ever had the thrill of getting my hands on...and my strap-on into. Goodness...that's personal! Lest you think I am completely objectifying him...he's an amazing, talented, sweet man with a heart bigger than his significant biceps. Hot Guy is exploring his submissiveness while I am enjoying stepping into my dominance in luscious, creative ways. Yeah Baby. I swear I will have visuals to fuel my imagination for many years to come. We are in very different places in our lives but are enjoying the now...a lot.


♥ This year I have enjoyed drinks, flirtations, kisses, hikes, titillating texts and erotic emails with a variety of lovely men...thank you all for your time and attentions. You continue to inspire me erotically and slide into my dreams and fantasies in such a sweet and sexy way. We have had compelling conversations about kinks and desires and what exactly lights our sexual fires...sometimes over drinks in public places, even! Your words and sharing sometimes found their way into my stories. Hot stuff.


♥ Last but far from least...Call me crazy, but my heart is feeling pretty connected to an extraordinary man...on the other side of the country. I know, I know...long distance relationships have significant challenges. But the older I get the more I know what I want in a partner. He possesses so many of the really important attributes I seek...and he has a highly developed erotic imagination. We communicate effortlessly and deeply. A rendezvous is in order. And if "we" click, that bridge will be crossed when it's time. I'll keep you posted. Who knows, I could eventually be teaching classes on the East Coast. (Did I just say that?)


Wishing you all the very best in 2012 and of course...lots of hot, sexy, intimate, breathtaking Pegging.


Ruby Ryder


6 Responses

  1. Dear Ruby,

    You are so sweet, and I’m stunned (in a good way) to read such awesome compliments from you. What’s missing though (of course, since this is your own blog), is anything about how amazing, sensual, dominant, erotic, and creative you are! So I’ll say it here. I’m lucky to have met you and connected with you. Not only because you’re quite possibly the biggest fan of pegging in the world, which is possibly my all time favorite form of sex (sooo hottt!!), but because you’re caring, tender, sweet, fair, and pretty. And it’s amazing to experience you growing in your dominance as I explore my submissiveness with you. Above all that your tenderness and loving are paramount. A lot of guys would agree: it’s not just about fucking, it’s about making love, and being held down, firmly but gently, and made love to by you is truly a special gift.

    HG 😉

    1. @HG
      Oh my, oh my. Your comment here came as a real surprise. It’s like a a public airing of, well…our clean, sexy laundry! Your kind, loving words filled my heart. Thank you for being exactly the man you are…having the courage to explore with me…and brave enough to post on my blog.❤

      Honest blogs are the best, aren’t they? As a writer of one you know how we walk that line of how much to say about ourselves and our lives. The personal stuff is powerful as well as revealing…in perpetuity. I wish you the very best finding a hot sweet man in 2012. Sounds like you are due for a return swing of the pendulum…love to you!

      You are so very welcome – thanks for being a reader! I hope 2012 is a fine, exciting year for you with many adventures to come!

  2. Hi lovely Ruby – thanks for blogging honest. 🙂

    I wish to find a hot, sweet man in 2012. I’m done with the other side of the man pendulum.

    Cheers and best for 2012.
    Love P

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