New Prostate Toy!

Now entering the Anal Toy Arena...

The "Nexus Revo"!

If this doesn't tickle your prostate in just the right way...I don't know what will. One look at the motion and most men who are familiar with the joy their prostate can bring them start drooling...or leaking!

Not on the market yet but to be released soon, hopefully. Initial reviews are glowing.....


9 Responses

  1. Ruby;

    You might be interested to learn that Nexus Revo is one of the devices its manufacturer has agreed NOT to sell in the USA. This is the result of a recent lawsuit between Aneros (HIH) and Nexus over Aneros’ patented prostate massager technology. Revo and other Nexus products apparently infringed the patent.

    Best Regards,

    (ten_s_nut at’s Forum)

  2. I don’t know if Dave is right or not. I already know one site based in the US who has it in stock in two colors. I’m not going to post the site just incase Dave is right and they aren’t legally allowed to sell it. I wouldn’t want to deprive regular people from enjoying a toy over company bullshit.

    Anyway, it looks interesting. I don’t like that it’s one motion over, and over, and over again though. I wish it had different modes where the head could go left, then back, then forward, then left, then right, etc. At a sale price of $169.99 that’s a pretty steep for one movement only. A lot of toys like these at this price range have multiple movements or vibrations even with the ability to create custom modes. It looks fun, and I’d like to try it though.

    – Blink

    1. @Dave – That makes me wonder what kind of patent Aneros has and how they can possibly stop the adult toy industry from making prostate massagers…hmmm.
      @Blink – I reallyhope you are right and they will be for sale in the USA soon.

      I did find this review by Kidder Kaper from Sex is Fun:
      He’s tried out many many anal toys and has a lot to say about why they are or are not very good. When Nexus created the Revo they specifically asked him to test it before it was on the market and he gave it pretty good marks. Supposedly they are already working on a new improved model of the Revo – the Revo II or something.

  3. Ruby, since the site I mentioned is based in USA, I’d have to think that other retailers have the ability to get stock from Nexus as well. I can’t think of a logical explanation for where they could be getting their stock if it was illegal. They are a pretty large site as well. Anyone who wants to buy it has the ability to do so today, so it’s already available in the USA. The site I mentioned is a large sex toy shop so with a little searching I’m sure anyone could easily find it.

  4. Ruby and Blink;

    According to the press release I read that is posted on the Aneros site, Nexus’ US distributors and retailers are allowed to sell the units they have in stock, but are not allowed to re-stock. I’d link to the PR, but I can’t from the network I’m logged into right now due to filtering.



  5. I’ve bought most of HIH’s products in the past, but I’m done with them. Trying to stop the Revo, which is a totally different toy than anything HIH has come up with, is unethical, IMO. It also annoys me that they censor their forums for any mention of competitors products. If their products are as good as they claim (they’re not IMO), what are they afraid of?

    1. Thanks for the comment, Jason. I participate in their forum in the pegging thread so I talk about lots of different products but all having to do with strap-on play – no problem getting censored there. Not trying to defend HIH, but it is common practice to not allow mention of competitor’s products on discussion threads – there’s enough of that on Amazon and other reviewers. But I hear what you are saying with the Revo. Seems a tad overboard. Which products do you prefer and why?

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