My Bodacious Tatas – the Movember Reward!
Are All Tatas Bodacious? I like to think so. We are not all audacious about showing them off, but they are bodacious just the same.
Information and resources for anal sex, bdsm, strap-ons, intimacy, and female domination. Let Ruby know what you think! Leave a comment, register for erotica, or catch a webinar.
Are All Tatas Bodacious? I like to think so. We are not all audacious about showing them off, but they are bodacious just the same.
Sunday 1/19 is my next Virtual Happy Hour! Register Here. A couple of letters for you today! Masculine surrender and vulnerability and so-called ‘virginity’. I
Masturbation Month 2024 #29 (Link to Part One) Cleaning day! What the actual fuck, thought Frank. Sure, he could see the point behind it, and honestly
Masturbation Month 2024 #27 (Link to Part One) Times past when Frank had wanted to be fucked hard and powerfully, and Cynthia hadn’t been able to
(I used gender binary pronouns in this piece, as it relates to society’s views about masculinity and heterosexual sex. No offense intended, as clearly there
Men who are interested in pegging are sometimes quite startled by the experience itself. Why? There can be a few reasons, but I want to
3 Responses
This video is sure to bring up a lot of reactions….I can already see all the fears cranking up; it’s reflected in the ratings…
I think an embrace of Savage’s ethics could save a great deal of people a great deal of pain.
I love this. Dan Savage is, at once, informative and thought provoking…and…well, just provoking.
My wife and I are monogamous. Since we started dating, we have only had sex with each other. However, we are comfortable with ourselves and our relationship to know and acknowledge to each other that we still find other people attractive.
While watching TV, Porn, or even while we are out on a date, we will point out people to each other we think are attractive. We play with it. We even tease each other a little bit. We’ve shared each others’ fantasies about including other people in our bed, and that’s okay, too.
My point is not too far away from Savage’s; by demanding monogamy, you create a “No-Man’s/Woman’s Land” out of EVERYTHING other than your partner. I think that’s the heart of what Dan Savage was getting at. The second you say “you can’t do that,” it IMMEDIATELY becomes the very thing you want to do.
So by relaxing, and playing with the taboo a little bit, rather than locking it up in a box, my wife and I have remained monogamous without feeling restricted. And if we decide to have sex with other people, it won’t be cheating, it will be a continuation of our sexual journey together, as a couple.
Relationships, just like pegging, go WAY better when you just relax and enjoy the ride. 😉