Sex Worker’s Rights Day

Today is International Sex Worker's Rights Day.

In this kinky world in which we live, play and rejoice in our sexual freedoms...consider the plight of sex workers. I regularly recommend that men who are looking for a pegging experience but not a relationship go to a professional. One problem for you wannabe pegging enthusiasts who live in the United States; there is just one state in this "freedom-loving" country where it is legal to exchange money for sexual services - Nevada. And only in eight of the sixteen counties in Nevada is it legal.

And yet...A 2004 TNS poll (random national sample of 1,501 adults) reported 15 percent of all men have paid for sex and 30 percent of single men over age 30 have paid for sex. So...they are getting their cranks turned by somebody, right? Of course there are sex workers. Always have been, always will be. Those are the people servicing 15% of all men. (They did actually have 1% of women report having paid for sex but the margin of error for the poll was 2.5 points - so it was discounted, sadly.)

Americans get their panties in such a twist about sex workers. I believe it is a perfectly valid occupation that deserves legal status, worker's rights and health care standards. Wouldn't it be nice to decriminalize sex? Nicer for the sex workers and nicer for their patrons.

From the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance website:

"Woodhull envisions a world that recognizes sexual freedom as the fundamental human right of all individuals to develop and express their unique sexuality; to be personally autonomous with regard to bodily integrity and expression; and to enjoy sexual dignity, privacy and consensual sexual expression without societal or governmental interference, coercion or stigmatization."

“Research has demonstrated that the criminalization of sex work is associated with violence against sex workers, decreased access to health care, barriers to reporting human rights abuses, and disempowerment in condom negotiation (whether a sex worker’s wishes regarding condom use are respected). Governments should recognize and address the relationship between laws criminalizing sex work and the human rights violations that result from these laws.

We see the affirmation and defense of the rights of sex workers as an integral part of our work to affirm sexual freedom as a fundamental human right. International Sex Workers Rights Day isn’t just about securing the rights of sex workers; it’s about securing human rights."

"Woodhull is the first organization to ever get the issue of sexual freedom as a fundamental human right “on the table” at the United Nations, and we were especially happy to note that the Obama administration is taking human rights abuses against sex workers seriously, and is willing to stand up for what is right. It was particularly significant because this was the first time the United States accepted that sex workers’ rights are a different issue from human trafficking victims and that sex workers’ rights are human rights."

Dear readers...What can you do? Donate to the WSFA or the sexual freedom group of your choice. Every one of us needs to fight against the prohibition of pleasure...because prostitution is not the only profession in the "sex worker"  category. WSFA says "Erotic massage, fetish modeling, pornographic performance, phone sex, webcam work, and other commercial sexual exchanges may all be considered sex work."

Here's what floors me...and scares me a little. I'm listening to presidential candidates say they are against contraception (and by implication non-procreative sex)! Fuck. That. Shit.

Do your part and do it now. Fight against the prohibition of pleasure. Fight for your sexual freedoms or someday these could all be illegal: pegging paradise, pornography, sex toys, sex workers of all types, anal sex and all the kinky freedoms you hold near and dear to your hot, wet privates.

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