That's what turns me on. Really.
You see, ultimately...
It isn't the curve of his biceps or the line of his jaw or how muscular his ass is...
It isn't how successful he is or how smartly he dresses or his manscaping both uptown and downtown...
It isn't his love of feeling a crop against his cheeks or his thrill at being restrained...
It isn't his manliness, the lovely hair on his body or on his head or how he will do whatever I ask...
What I find more erotic than anything is the naked vulnerability I see when I am inside him. It is his ability to open up and let me see a glimmer of his soul. Like the heart of an artichoke, that place requires so much work to get to but is deliciously, richly worth it all and then some. The taste of that connection, that glimpse inside, that honest nakedness, is sweeter than just about anything I can imagine. I have had amazing orgasms and trembled while held passionately and pleasured so exquisitely the bed was left wet with my passion.
And yet...
The true thrill, for me...
is being given a look inside.
It's an absolute honor.
How ironic that seeing inside him comes from being inside him.
♥Ruby Ryder♥
4 Responses
Wow. I was drawn in… I couldn’t tell if you were writing about you, or me! Love it.
Thanks, O. When the lines blur I know I have written well.
your writings are always so “right on target”.
so many parallels indeed.
I feel like writing a comment everytime you write.
there is always similarities and famliliarities.
keep it going Ruby…and thanks for all your writings.
Thank you, Bob. I’m glad this piece resonated with you. You are welcome to comment anywhere, as often as you like. That’s how a writer knows they are touching people with their words – the comments!