Seems like all it took for the country to start voting for same-sex marriage was for Obama to support it. I mean really - we were 32 to zip trying to get stuff like that passed before and all of a sudden it a freakin' landslide!
Perhaps the timing was just right and all of a sudden people started viewing same sex marriage as equal rights as opposed to "gay marriage". What ever the reason, I couldn't be more happy about the way ALL FOUR state issues turned out.
Maine, Washington and Maryland all voted for marriage equality. And Minnesota reject a state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.
Yes !! I feel like people are finally waking up.
It's all about love, people. And we all love who we love.

2 Responses
It’s not enough :\
I completely agree…but it’s a start, and a good sign of things to come. The dominoes have begun to fall, make no mistake about it.