I went to the gym tonight to work off some of the stress I'm feeling about talking to (hopefully) hundreds of people tomorrow about how pegging can deepen intimacy in a relationship.
I won't be talking to people who have chosen to attend a specific class about pegging or strap-on sex. Nor people in a BDSM club that are looking to add another kinky thing to their treasure chest of sexual choices. Nor to customers of a a sex toy store who are fascinated by the latest orgasmic gadget.
No, I get to attempt a motivational talk that first introduces the concept of pegging to the audience. I'm thinking they will be largely comprised of shy, intelligent and (hopefully a little perverted) geeks, engineers and brainy types attending a conference about geeky, engineer-type and brainy stuff...plus my strap-on sex talk. Then I get to deconstruct the myths and misconceptions around pegging, talk about the health benefits and finally...talk about role reversal and intimacy.
In fifteen minutes.
After my workout tonight I hurried over to a market that was about to close and picked up a little food. I was the only one at the checkout when the twenty-something beautiful cashier asked me politely, "How are you this evening?"
"Actually, kind of stressed out. Just finished a hard workout to calm down. I'm giving a talk in front of a lot of people tomorrow and I'm a little freaked out about it."
"Oh, wow. What's the talk about?"
"Well, you asked and so I'm going to tell you. Strap-on sex."
"That's awesome! Seriously. That is so awesome!"
"Thanks. It really is. It's my passion." I smile, grab my groceries and start to head for the door.
"Good luck!" She says the words with a huge smile on her face and I picture the conversations she will have with her co-workers after I leave.
The feeling that left me with is...Life is good.
I'm going to bring that feeling with me to the BIL conference tomorrow.
5 Responses
Good luck, Ruby, I’m sure you’ll have your audience’s attention – even geeks, engineers and brainy types can learn exciting new things. Wish I could be there. Let us know how it goes !
I did have their attention, you’re right! When you start talking about orgasms…well, everyone perks their ears up.
Oh, I so hope that your 15min presentation went well! Gotta hand it to you, that takes courage!
Tom! it really did – here’s the story of how it went!
Amazing, simply amazing! I’ll have to keep closer track of your activities. I don’t want to miss your (eventual!) appearance on Katie Couric’s show!