I love this pic, but it doesn't have anything to do with my fantasy. Batman taking one for Gotham!
My fantasy...
Last night my mind went back to the Sleeping Beauty Series. The slaves in the marketplace. How one of the young men was bought by a handsome older man. He was fitted with a butt plug and tail. The size of the butt plug was close to what his master's cock was. There was a scene in the book, where the master fucks his slave for the first time. But then unexpectedly the tables are turned, consensually, and the slave is allowed to fuck his master. The master falls in love with the slave at that point, and the story continues. But I swear to God those particular pages in that particular book are a bit dogeared (my copy, at least).
Hope you're all enjoying masturbation month as much as I am…
Bonus! While getting you the link for the Sleeping beauty Series, I discovered that Anne Rice put out another book in the series in April of 2015!
Ordered. Found a signed hardcover copy for $15, shipped. Score! I can hardly wait.