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Information and resources for anal sex, bdsm, strap-ons, intimacy, and female domination. Let Ruby know what you think! Leave a comment, register for erotica, or catch a webinar.
With thanks, I offer you my list of affiliate links. When you shop using these links, it helps support my mission of bring pegging information
Masturbation Month 2024 #29 (Link to Part One) Cleaning day! What the actual fuck, thought Frank. Sure, he could see the point behind it, and honestly
What, precisely, is a ‘directional toy’? First, when I say ‘toy’, I mean dildos. So many dildos. Dildos, dildos, and more dildos! They come in
Let’s talk pegging preparation. When you first begin to explore pegging, preparation is essential. Sadly, few people go further than cleaning out, sufficient lube, and
Bend Over as an Insult In my efforts to educate people about Pegging, one of the things I address is this patriarchal bullshit of using
Masturbation Month 2024 #24 (Link to Part One) Oh yes, Frank’s heart swells, but you need the history. Let me explain. Masturbation Month 2024 is
5 Responses
Hi Ruby, I will show this to my wife and we will have a good laugh….well done.
Thank you! Nikki is a funny woman, and I think they did a pretty good job with the subject matter!
I have to say it was refreshing to see the subject be discussed in this manner. I feel like pegging is talked about too seriously sometimes which can lead to a negative reinforcement of what many people already feel.
Wonderful job Ruby!
Thank you kindly! I think I was just the right calm, centered presence for Nikki to go crazy. But I do think there were a bunch of male viewers squirming when she attacked that clay ass…
You absolutely were. I love how her crazy seemed to crack your calm just a bit on occasion. True, many sphincters were clenched! However, I’m fairly sure a few mouths drooled as well.