Later this afternoon I will be headed down to DomCon. No telling what awaits me!
Plans change in a flash and it is the tail end of Mercury Retrograde, after all.
The big strong guy who was going to join me there and serve me, was beset by illness and regretfully cancelled. So I'm interested to discover what the Universe will bring me this weekend instead!
Two years ago this man came into my classroom, dressed pretty much exactly like this picture...that's the amazing thing about DomCon, this kind of dress is allowed. And by the way, that's a thong he is wearing. I asked him to come up and be my model to demonstrate good pegging positions. Best model ever.
We ended up have so much fun, at parties and back at my hotel room. (And yes, I have permission to use his picture.)
See why I trust in the Universe? 🙂
So meanwhile...I don't foresee that I will have the time to manage daily Masturbation Month posts in addition to having ALL THE FUN. So I'm going to bank a few for you all, so you get your daily fix of eroticism.
You'll notice that my orgasm count will be a question mark over the weekend. I will fill you in on what exactly ALL THE FUN entailed (pun intended) when I return, and update my number of orgasms!
Have a great weekend!