In the wee hours of the morning on May 1st, the very first day of Masturbation Month 2017, a few things were running through my mind as my fingers did a tap dance in the wetness between my legs. I was thinking about what I'm going to do with my new play partner, 'Yummy Man', the next time he comes over.
We get together during the day. He walks in, strips, and reads the instructions I have there waiting for him just inside the door. Typically he prepares my lunch, eats with me, cleans the kitchen, gives me a massage, and only then does he get some attention. I write down in detail all the service I expect from him, but give him no clue as to what I plan to do with him after that.
He's relatively new to anal play, but eager since experiencing the sensation of getting fucked. He's also new to the pleasures of a good beating, but has already decided that feeling my hand connect with his ass until it is hot, sensitive and red can be exquisitely erotic...a lovely precursor to getting fucked, in fact.
Rituals are being established with Yummy Man each time, to get him in that mind space of submission, service and openness. But the unexpected offers a delightful twist to each visit. Something new. Something he would not have anticipated or imagined. The lack of predictability thrills him. His willingness to take whatever I choose to dish out thrills me.
The first time, after he stripped I tied a pink silk scarf around his swollen cock and balls and it stayed there until he finished with my massage. He told me he will never look at pink scarves the same after that.
This time, I think I will bend him over after he strips and push a small plug into his ass so he feels a thrill with each step he takes in the kitchen. I'd like to use the plug that has a remote vibe option, but I will need to get him used to taking things a little bigger before using that toy. I am careful with my play partners.
After my massage I'll blindfold him and have him get on the massage table on all fours. I'll warm up his ass with a firm spanking until I hear him start to moan. I'll tie a smooth silk rope around his balls, leaving plenty to pull on. Only then will I take out the small plug, and select a larger dildo. I'l lube it up, hold it in my hand and put it against his ass, pushing in a bit until he can feel that it's going to take some work to accept it. Then I will pull on the rope that has his balls, just hard enough to keep him from pulling away from the dildo...which he hasn't seen and has no idea how big it is or isn't. It will feel enormous and endless, because I will take it slow. Excruciatingly slow.
Oh yeah.