
When I started this adventure at Pegging Paradise, all I knew was that I had a passion. One that I wanted to share with, well, whoever was interested.

I began to write this blog, eventually added my podcasts, and got quite deep into the whole subject (pun intended), into the psychological and emotional aspects of what it takes for a woman to strap on a fake cock and fuck a man, and what it takes for a man to allow a woman to do exactly that. And how not to just explore it, but how to get good at it, too.

Every day I do my best to calm the fears and correct the misconceptions of the women whose partners want to try pegging. Every day I  attempt to reassure men that their desires are natural, help them let go of the shame they associate with their desires, and help them navigate the path to pegging with their partners. I answer questions of all sorts from people all over the world, about my passion, hopefully helping them to make it their passion, too.

Here's the amazing thing...

Each successive year that I keep doing what I'm doing, which is what I love, I am more and more grateful for all of you. I have said this many times. If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't get to do what I love! I wouldn't be here, doing what I am doing. And now with Patreon, some of you generous people are becoming my patrons, helping to support my efforts! Love you guys.

So thank you. Thank you all so much! For listening. For reading. For appreciating what I put how there, and how much I try to help everyone interested in pegging. You all rock.


Lots of Love,



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