Captive Cock?
Yum. Two words that have me paying attention right off the bat; cock and captive. Nice. Because I do so enjoy cocks, and making a man my captive thrills me as well. We are off to a fabulous start, here.
Perhaps some of you reading this are already snug in your cages, or proudly displaying a key on a chain around your neck. You have a captive cock, whether you are the cock owner or the keyholder. But for the uninitiated, let me explain.
Locktober? A combination of the words Lock and October.
Okay, so what happens with captive cocks during Locktober? Well, for the cocks, nothing! No orgasms happen, anyway. October is the month when some men choose to lock up their cock, or allow their partner to lock it in a chastity cage, for the entire month. There are couples from many walks of life who enjoy this ritual every year.
I'm guessing there are a bunch of you out there right now who read those words and just cannot stop yourself from asking...but, why? Valid question! Let's explore the amazing variety of answers...
Less Time Wasted Wanking
Some cock-owners describe life as literally having to resist wanking all the time. Too hard to resist. I mean, talk about instant gratification! A little porn, a quick wank, and presto, the world is a better place. Stressed? Wank. Feeling out of sorts? Wank. Depressed? Wank.
There's nothing wrong with wanking multiple times per day. But what if you, the cock owner, are painfully aware of how much time you spend wanking and also realize that said time would be much better spent in a more productive manner? What if you want to make that change, but can't resist the quick porn wank? Because who doesn't want to regularly view naked bodies coupling in your favorite sexy way?
For compulsive wankers, it can be a relief to put your cock in a chastity cage and give someone else the key. If your cock is in a cage, it is very difficult to have an orgasm. Not impossible, but difficult, time-consuming and usually not as satisfying. So the choice has largely been taken away from you.
With the choice to wank removed, you can get on with your productivity. Clean out the garage. Sew yourself an apron. Mow the lawn. Shop for panties. Bake some cookies. Wash the car. (You didn't really think I was going to stick to the gender stereotypes, did you?) Think of it, you could get a lot done during Locktober!
Relationship Reset
When sex is off the table it can change the way couples relate. A captive cock can eliminate all the subtle and often unconscious negotiations for sex that some men do. Men may discover what emotional intimacy feels like apart from sex, instead of experiencing intimacy as an accidental after-sex thing. Romance may have a chance to blossom without closeness immediately becoming all about sex.
Another way a captive cock can affect relationships is around masturbation. Sometimes it's just easier to wank instead of actually engaging with your partner and getting them in the mood or giving them the attention they need. This sucks, because you are effectively treating sex with them like a chore when you do this. Or perhaps no conscious decision is made to be lazy, you just wank because you can, because it's right there, and hard to resist. Your desire to have sex with your partner is lessened because you never let desire for them actually build. Which leads us to...
Erotic Desire
Locking your cock up increases desire. No question about that. It's like extended foreplay, and desire is very pleasurable in and of itself. Similar to edging, a captive cock can be deliciously enjoyed as an erotic focus, until it is eventually set free. That enjoyment and erotic anticipation can last so much longer than the actual orgasm once the cock is freed from the cage. Think of it, a month of desire.
Motivation For a Desired Goal
A captive cock is powerful motivator. A cock can be locked up until a specific goal is achieved; project completed, weight lost, study for a test, skill learned, behavior modified, straying ceased, or productivity increased. The goal to be achieved is limited only by your imagination and what you and your partner agree to.
Loss of Control
Some cock-owners simply enjoy not having to be in control. Perhaps they are in powerful jobs with huge amounts of responsibility. Chastity allows them to let go of that control for a while, something they rarely get to experience. Their partner decides when, or if, any orgasms will happen. It can feel very freeing to not always have to run the show, especially if your career demands that of you every day.
For couples with a negotiated D/s dynamic, the ultimate submission is sometimes said to be a captive cock. I would disagree, as I think what would be decisively more submissive is getting pegged regularly while having a captive cock! Yum.
Being fucked while caged leaves the captive cock no role to play. Perhaps my partner would finally attain a hands-free prostate orgasm. If I were participating in Locktober with a live-in partner, I would would want to be fucking that ass at least 3 times a week, minimum. In my fantasies, I'd be bending him over every day, but one must allow for limitations of the body, and not break one's toy. With the pegging element added in, how would that change the other dynamics and reasons couples participate in Locktober? I wonder.
Kinky Tease and Denial
Of course I saved my favorite for last. During this pandemic, people are finding creative solutions for distance play. I am down for that! Perhaps now was the time to check out those app-controlled distance toys.
I watched with interest when the start of the pandemic coincided with the release of the new app-controlled chastity device, the Cellmate, in a way that felt too good to be true. What a fantastic opportunity for distance play for partners who are separated!
As my interest in chastity grew, I learned that cages are very individual; there is no one-size-fits-all. Some guys, well-versed in chastity play, already have a cage they like, one that has already proven to be comfortable for longer periods of chastity. These guys, while thrilled by the app-controlled aspect, were understandably concerned whether it would be comfortable.
I believe cages and comfort must go hand in hand for good chastity play. My intent is not to have my partner walking around all day with sore points and feeling horribly uncomfortable. But if he awakes during the night or in the morning with a spontaneous erection and experiences the discomfort of his cock straining against the cage, well that kind of discomfort frankly tickles me. Reviews of the Cellmate do rate high on comfort for most, but no cage will fit all cocks.
The Cellmate beckoned, but there was a snag; the inescapable aspect of the device, how it has no emergency option when the timer is used. None! The only way to get it off before the timer is up, or if you lose wifi, or if the internet is down (because it is keyless)...is with bolt cutters! While the fantasy of inescapability is totally hot, the reality is a tad scary. BDSM aficionados are a bit appalled that there is effectively no safe word for the device. I read one review that said it seemed like it was designed by a guy with a fantasy of a device being inescapable. Again, hot, but not practical.
So what about other cages? Was there some way to play at distance with a cage already proven to be comfortable for the cock-owner?
So glad you asked...
News flash: They have smart locks these days; locks you can open remotely! So I went shopping...and found the answer. It wasn't exactly what I had pictured, but in the end (pun always intended), it is a brilliant solution to distance chastity play with any cage that has a lock and key.
But...I'm gonna leave you hanging right here! A review of that device will be up by the end of this weekend. I'm such a fucking tease, right? Heh heh.
A Note About Prostate Health
The prostate is a gland. It's job is to make prostatic fluid, a component of ejaculate. So when a cock-owner gets turned on, the prostate kicks into gear and starts producing fluid. I am not a doctor, but the sense I get from everything I have read it that you want to keep that fluid going through that prostate to keep it healthy. I have heard a urologist say that the very best thing that you can do for your prostate is to ejaculate every day. This certainly runs counter to chastity play, right?
I guess I initially looked at captive cocks in a pretty black and white manner in this regard. There is indeed a lot of reasonable territory between months of chastity (which I don't believe would be healthy for a prostate), and using it as a device to simply have absolute control over when you partner is allowed to have an orgasm. Plus, even if you lock up that cock for the entire month of Locktober, he has the rest of the year to tend to that prostate!
Additionally, with my fantasy of pegging the victim (or willing participant) of the captive cock regularly, I can just picture that pre-come streaming out, dripping from that cage. Yum. That's healthy for the prostate, right? Then the question becomes, how long will he need to be fucked to keep his prostate healthy? Heh heh.
Review of the Smart Lock Coming Soon
Keep an eye out this weekend for my review of the smart lock...and how I used it to keep a partner's cock captive!
Here are a few pics to enjoy while you wait...!
6 Responses
Being pegged while locked is the ultimate submission. It’s make me feels she has Total control over me, as she is telling me its not about your pleasure but its about her gaining more control
That’s how some people think about pegging, yes! I enjoy the control, but I especially enjoy the giving pleasure part.
Is it normal that my pleasure comes from my feelings of submission more than from a physical pleasure?
I recommend that everyone let go of the word ‘normal’. As long as it’s sane, safe and consensual.
Haha yes but I meant do i have an issue in my body if i barely feel physical pleasure? Its 90% emotional for me so i was wondering if there are other men feels the same as me? ?
I’m sure there are some men who are like you. I have encountered a few men who say they really don’t feel much pleasure in their prostate at all.