Happy Hump Day for the Maid

Hump day arrives, and Frank receives another new apron!
Hump day arrives, and Frank receives another new apron!

Masturbation Month 2023 #18 - (Link to Part One)

Frank awoke with a smile on his face. Last night with Cynthia had been a revelation. So that’s what a prostate orgasm felt like! He chuckled to himself to see her side of the bed empty. Off running, no doubt; her sneakers were missing from their spot in the closet. There was a yummy scent in the air that he couldn’t place, too. Interesting.

Frank showered and dressed for work. Impulsively, he chose a silky blue pair of Cynthia’s panties and slipped them on. This would be a nice addition to the day! And a soothing feel against his balls. His cage was not horribly uncomfortable, but the boys complained to him occasionally. Perhaps the silky panties along with last night’s delights would be enough to keep them happy.

In the kitchen he found not only fresh coffee waiting for him, but still warm blueberry muffins. That was the scent! How could he have slept through that? Surely there must have been some noise, banging of pans or something. But he had indeed slept through it. The plate of muffins sat next to the coffee maker, with a note that said, simply, ‘I love you’. Frank sat at the kitchen table with his muffin and coffee. Everything tasted amazing. The same coffee that yesterday morning was just fine, today tasted delicious.

Cynthia was not back from her run before Frank left for work. He had a skip in his step and a couple of co-workers commented that he seemed to be in an unusually good mood that morning. He just laughed and thought about his caged cock and the silk panties, and, well…. everything. The week he’d agreed to - and recommitted to last night - was half over. So, this was technically hump day, even though it was actually Thursday.

At lunchtime Frank sent a text to Cynthia.

How was your run this morning?

Hi babe! Great. I went all the way to the lake.

Nice! Been a while since you’ve gone that far.

You inspire me. Last night was HOT.

It was. Me and my caged cock thank you! …And I have a confession.


I’m wearing your blue silky panties.

...Without permission? Seriously?

Yes, Ma’am. I apologize Ma’am.

Expect punishment tonight.

Yes, Ma’am.

Then Cynthia went silent, and Frank rejoiced inside. This was a game they played. His confession was a way to ask for a beating. He loved receiving impact play. The experience took him to different places, and he liked those places. The helplessness of it offered a profound release, along with a deep level of vulnerability. He was already feeling emotionally open and exposed with all their play so far, and wondered what tonight would bring.

Frank took stock of his body. A couple of slight sore spots where the cage pressed, but nothing serious. His ass was a bit sore, but again, nothing that would preclude play tonight. This surprised him, especially after last night! One part of this week-long agreement that he hadn’t been sure about was his ability to receive a fucking every day for a week. That was a lot of ass fucking. So far, so good. Four more to go. Frank’s ass clenched in excitement at that thought. He felt marvelously slutty in that moment, sitting at his desk, caged cock, silky panties, and sore ass, thinking about getting fucked again. Yum. Work would not go by fast enough.

Cynthia was glad Frank threw the confession gauntlet down that morning in their texts. She’d been pondering what new thing she could do with him, and his coded request for impact play provided her with needed inspiration. She ordered a light dinner of sushi to grab on the way home. Earlier in the day she’d received an email that another apron had been delivered, and sure enough there was a package sitting on the front step when she arrived home. Perfect timing.

Cynthia shook out Frank’s new apron and decided it needed a little touch up ironing. She had time, since dinner didn’t require any more than setting the table, and she would have Frank do that. Finally, pressed to her satisfaction, she hung the apron over the back of a chair in the kitchen. He couldn’t miss it when he came in from the garage. She pinned a note to it with instructions for him.

Frank was in a state of high anticipation when he walked into the kitchen. The prospect of impact play always kicked up a little fear inside him. That was part of what he liked about it. Cynthia was nowhere to be seen. Then his eyes went to the kitchen table. Another apron! Black and white with ruffles and ties around the neck and waist, like a classic French maid. Pretty! He saw the note and unpinned it.

Shower, clean out, and put on this apron. Then set the table for dinner. Be quick about it!

That’s all it said. Frank took the apron, went straight to the bathroom and hung it off the back of the door. His suit was due to go to the dry cleaners, so he took off everything right there, including Cynthia's panties, and left it in a heap on the bathroom floor. Ten minutes later he left the bathroom, adorned only by his new apron. Again, he felt pretty. He also felt owned, played with for her pleasure, and thoroughly used. Together with the cage, he felt slutty, and there was a deep, warm excitement that accompanied that feeling. He set the table and checked one last time to make sure everything was there before he went to find Cynthia.

She was on the back patio once again, her feet up, sipping a glass of lemonade. She wore a long flowing fuchsia robe tied at the waist.

“Hello Ma’am. Thank you for the apron!” Frank stood at the open door.

“You’re welcome,” Cynthia turned and replied lazily. “Turn around and let me see.” Frank twirled and then turned slowly, lifting the apron for her to see his caged cock.

“You look so cute! And I’ll bet you felt cute with my panties on all day.” Her tone because slightly accusatory. Frank looked down and felt himself blush just a little. She was so good at this.

“I did, Ma’am. They are very nice panties.” He admitted.

At length Cynthia replied. “I know. And they are my panties. You’ll get your punishment later. For now, let’s have dinner.”

She sat at the table, directed Frank to retrieve the sushi from the fridge and pour lemonade for them. After setting everything up, Frank automatically laid a dish towel over his chair before he sat, earning an approving nod from Cynthia.

They made short work of the sushi and then sat talking.

“I have officially made it halfway, Ma’am. Because it’s day 4.” Frank felt proud and wanted to bring this to her attention.

“That you have! It’s hump day for my pretty maid.” Cynthia grinned at him.

“Exactly what I was thinking this morning, Ma’am!”

“And how are you holding up, my boy?” He could tell her inquiry was sincere.

“My ass is a little sore from last night, but only a little. I’m good to go, Ma’am.”

“That’s wonderful to hear. When we started this adventure it was a question whether your ass could handle this much fucking, and I didn’t exactly take it easy on you last night.” Cynthia chuckled.

“No, you didn’t, Ma’am.” Frank smiled.

“Well, I guarantee that tomorrow your ass will be sore, but not from fucking. Did you put my blue panties in the laundry?”

“No, Ma’am.” Frank felt that thrill of fear again.

“So, where are they?” She looked at him expectantly.

“Umm… Right now, they are on the floor of the bathroom, Ma’am. I’m sorry.”

“Seriously? You wear them without permission and then just throw them on the floor?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I’m so sorry, Ma’am, for treating your panties disrespectfully.”

“Your ass will pay the price, Frank, for not asking permission to wear them, and for disrespecting them after taking them off. Rectify that situation, clean up the kitchen, and then meet me in the bedroom for your punishment.” Cynthia spoke the words simply and quietly.

“Yes, Ma’am.” Frank got up immediately to do as she commanded.

Cynthia smiled and watched him scamper off to the bathroom. She finished the last of her lemonade as he took the panties and his dirty clothes to the laundry room. Frank started on the dishes, and she went to the bedroom. In light of Frank's intentional and unintentional transgressions, she began to pull out some toys.

Part 19 - The Punishment Frank Wanted Arrives

Masturbation Month is celebrated every year in May. Let yourself sink into self-pleasuring and join the fun! Some of us keep an orgasm count. Ruby: 10

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