How to Be More Dominant While Pegging Your Partner

Being More Dominant in Pegging

More dominant, please - the thought going through many receivers minds.

The magic of Pegging, in my opinion, is that it is a customizable sexual activity. Pegging can look many different ways depending on the desires and leanings of the people involved. One couple might enjoy a sensual, love-making experience while another might prefer a full-on BDSM scene with restraints, impact play, and humiliation.

A desire I see expressed often by receivers in pegging groups on Reddit, and in emails sent to me is for the giver to be more dominant.

"How can I get my partner to be more dominant while fucking me?"

"Sometimes I really wish she would just grab me and fuck me and act a little more dominant."

"I've asked my partner to be more dominant, but she said she doesn't know how."

This is a common desire in the world of pegging. So how can couples best navigate this added aspect to their pegging play? I recorded my thoughts on this subject for you all. The answer is more involved than you would think. Good communication is essential. Knowing what you like and dislike is also important for both givers and receivers.

Remember, the willingness to explore is commendable and a true gift to your partner and your relationship! You don't know whether you will like it if you have never tried it, right?

Happy Pegging!

6 Responses

  1. As you said Communication and experiment. I told my partner how i like it. as submissive guy i receive 90% of the pleasure from being dominated not the strapon itself

  2. Por que el pegging va ligado a castidad con jaulas para pene.?
    No puede ser solo pegging.
    Por que debe haber dominación y castidad

    Translation: Why is pegging linked to chastity with penis cages?
    It can’t just be pegging.
    Why there must be domination and chastity

    1. Pornopgraphy connects pegging with many kinks, but none of them are inextricably connected to pegging. You can do pegging any way you want to, sensually, like making love.

      La pornografía conecta la vinculación con muchos problemas, pero ninguno de ellos está inextricablemente conectado con la vinculación. Puedes hacer pegging como quieras, sensualmente, como hacer el amor.

  3. No puede haber pegging sin fem dom? Me gustaría probar solo el pegging, se puede hacer en solitario?
    Translation: There can be no pegging without fem dom? I would like to try pegging alone, can it be done alone?

    1. Pegging can be done any way you and your partner agree to do it. Fem dom does not need to be part of pegging.

      La vinculación se puede realizar de cualquier forma que usted y su pareja acuerden hacerlo. La dominación femenina no necesita ser parte del pegging.

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