This piece is written using the gender binary, because of the subject matter of masculinity, how it affects the world of pegging, and how pegging affects the world.
Well, if there is anything that can save the world, perhaps it's pegging. I mean, if you are asking me, of course pegging can save the world! How? Here are my thoughts.
Letting Go of Control
Variations of this sentiment arrive in my inbox with regularity:
I'm in control all day long at my job. I come home and am expected to be in control there, too, even in the bedroom! I just want to not have to be in control for once. It's like I can't even relax. It's all up to me. I just want to let go, relax, and receive for once!
Pegging allows that letting go; an emotional opening and relinquishing of control while in a place of acceptance and safety. That last part is really important because society is not kind to men who express emotions and crave a letting go of control, much less desire anal penetration. Safety and acceptance are essential with pegging.
Emotional Opening
Pleasurable anal penetration requires vulnerability. Admitting that anal penetration is desired is hella vulnerable, too. The emotional opening pegging allows receivers can be profound. This is precisely what is denied to men from young boyhood; the beginnings of how 'masculinity' fucks up men. This prohibition of emotions and vulnerability in a man is at the very roots of misogyny, and a detrimental domino effect follows, all through society. The emphasis on constant competition ensures a lack of close bonds with other men. This results in isolation and no one to really open up to about, well, anything.
Can you imagine how frustrating that must feel? Having all those emotions and no place to put them? Not even being allowed to express them for fear of being thought of as weak and less of a man? The anger and frustration at always having to keep those emotions and vulnerability invisible and under control is perhaps what lies at the very roots of male violence in our society. Men commit about 75 - 80% of violent crime and 96% of mass murders. Of course they are angry. The system is rigged.
Softening, Healing and Peace
Pegging helps to soften men. I believe it can help them become more whole as human beings, expressive of emotions and allowing vulnerability. I believe that for many, it can be a balm for the soul, healing very deep wounds. And I can't help but think there would be less men ready to explode at the drop of a hat.
Somewhere, years ago, I saw this:
If every man in the world got pegged regularly, there would be no war.
The potential truth of that actually scares me in light of current events. So clearly there needs to be less stigma, more acceptance of pegging, and more understanding about what it is, and what it isn't.
That's my mission. Thanks for coming along for the ride.
4 Responses
Saving the world one ass at a time! You go Ruby!
Indeed! Thanks, C.
Glad you found it worth a read!