Search Term Fun

Tag: christian pegging

Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Search Term Fun

Found a few things in my Google Analytics in the words people use to find my website. So I’m just going to throw them up there and answer the questions and/or tell you my opinion about the subjects. is pegging

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BDSM pegging Ruby Ryder

Justify My Kinks!

Okay. I have already confessed my fascination with Google Analytics. It tells me so much about all of you lovely people…where you are from, how you found me, how many pages you looked at, how long you spent on my

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Ruby Ryder shares art piece of God coming down from heavens

God and Strap-on Sex?

Does God promote strap-on sex? I swear to you, this question was listed in yesterday’s search terms for how one person found my website! Sounds to me like a poor conflicted Christian trying to justify his/her desire for this kink,

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