Podcast #174
Listen to Pegging Paradise Podcast #174 ❤ Patreon Update ❤ Kinkly Reader’s Choice Award!! ❤ Women/Giver stories needed for #175! ❤ Young, kinky, grew up on porn and can’t get hard. Help? ❤ He’s got a secret stash of toys
Listen to Pegging Paradise Podcast #174 ❤ Patreon Update ❤ Kinkly Reader’s Choice Award!! ❤ Women/Giver stories needed for #175! ❤ Young, kinky, grew up on porn and can’t get hard. Help? ❤ He’s got a secret stash of toys
Pegging Paradise Podcast #160 ❤ Ruby’s turning 60! ❤ Pegging Celebration Time ❤ They were each other’s firsts! ❤ Button Fly Jeans as harness suggestion! ❤ They peg. They do Chastity. He wants to do both! ❤ Pegging Celebration Time
So much sitting. So much writing. So much masturbation! May is a challenge for me in more ways than one. Pegging Paradise’s birthday also comes during May, which includes an additional celebration. So much celebrating! Whew. Perhaps that’s why I
Pegging Paradise Podcast #136 ❤ Rant about the GOP ❤ Review of b-Vibe Rimming Plug ❤ Review of Tantus Hoss ❤ Review of Tom’s Bondage Horse ❤ The Purple Prince Jag!!!! Linkorama
Porn is an interesting thing. There are three factors that when included in a porn clip, will turn me on more than any other. Reality/enthusiasm, one or both of the people making noise, and anal penetration. Found a gay clip
Pegging Paradise Podcast #124 ❤ She’s normally submissive during sex but not when she has her cock on! ❤ He’s sad his wife won’t have another go at it. 18 months since the first time. 🙁 ❤ Closet Wannabe peggee
One of my favorite months, indeed. Just a couple of days ago, Porn Hub (come on – we’ve all visited there a time or two or two hundred, haven’t we?) compiled some fascinating statistics regarding search terms having to do with
The book is out: Best Women’s Erotica 2014! I even received a mention in the publisher’s write-up! I am doing the best happy dance of my life right now…!
Occasionally I come across a website with stunning erotic photography and I just have to share it with you. Since my eye is more drawn to the male figure, though I do appreciate beauty in either gender, this is the
Pegging Paradise Podcast #52 ❤ Crowd sourcing another video ❤ Results from previous video crowd sourcing ❤ MakeLoveNotPorn.TV ❤ He talks about the fear of revealing ❤ Brene Brown’s TED talks ❤ Dan Savage gay hints for straight couples ❤