I love this!! What's not to love about pegging on Mainstream TV?! The good part comes at the end...much like sex...wait for it.
I love this!! What's not to love about pegging on Mainstream TV?! The good part comes at the end...much like sex...wait for it.
Information and resources for anal sex, bdsm, strap-ons, intimacy, and female domination. Let Ruby know what you think! Leave a comment, register for erotica, or catch a webinar.
What, precisely, is a ‘directional toy’? First, when I say ‘toy’, I mean dildos. So many dildos. Dildos, dildos, and more dildos! They come in
Who knew there was a different suggested pH for vaginal versus anal lube! And I actually mean that. WHO knew! The World Health Organization (WHO)
So let’s talk about opening up asses. But first let’s talk about the word foreplay. This is a word I wish had never been invented
This piece is written using the gender binary, because of the subject matter of masculinity, how it affects the world of pegging, and how pegging
Need help.Having some trouble keeping her interested in pegging me. Help please some advice DMs are open. This is anything but a simple question, as
Masturbation Month 2024 #24 (Link to Part One) Oh yes, Frank’s heart swells, but you need the history. Let me explain. Masturbation Month 2024 is