It's not every day that you find gorgeous nude pictures of a stranger in your inbox.
Thank you kindly for warming up my morning, my ♥friend from France♥...
I love my job!
Ruby Ryder
Ruby Ryder
Information and resources for anal sex, bdsm, strap-ons, intimacy, and female domination. Let Ruby know what you think! Leave a comment, register for erotica, or catch a webinar.
Masturbation Month 2024 #24 (Link to Part One) Oh yes, Frank’s heart swells, but you need the history. Let me explain. Masturbation Month 2024 is
With thanks, I offer you my list of affiliate links. When you shop using these links, it helps support my mission of bring pegging information
So let’s talk about opening up asses. But first let’s talk about the word foreplay. This is a word I wish had never been invented
Feeling Clingy, Depth Injuries, and Condoms! Articles and Information In this short take you will find an attempt at crowdsourcing for a gentleman who had
Masturbation Month 2024 #29 (Link to Part One) Cleaning day! What the actual fuck, thought Frank. Sure, he could see the point behind it, and honestly
Masturbation Month 2024 #25 (Link to Part One) Frank didn’t have much to clean up beyond tossing the pizza box and wiping down the coffee
2 Responses
Wait… what? But where are the ‘gorgeous nude pictures’? I mean, I clicked through from my feed to see… and now… but now… well, you are just gloating and not sharing!! That just doesn’t seem right, or fair, or… well… community minded!
Just saying.
You know…
LOL – Ferns….point taken. I did neglect to mention that he specified they were for my eyes only…lucky me! And I have a place to stay in Paris should circumstances find me there….ooo la la!