Different Ways of Opening Up For Pegging
So let’s talk about opening up asses. But first let’s talk about the word foreplay. This is a word I wish had never been invented
Information and resources for anal sex, bdsm, strap-ons, intimacy, and female domination. Let Ruby know what you think! Leave a comment, register for erotica, or catch a webinar.
So let’s talk about opening up asses. But first let’s talk about the word foreplay. This is a word I wish had never been invented
Masturbation Month 2024 #25 (Link to Part One) Frank didn’t have much to clean up beyond tossing the pizza box and wiping down the coffee
This piece is written using the gender binary, because of the subject matter of masculinity, how it affects the world of pegging, and how pegging
Masturbation Month 2024 #29 (Link to Part One) Cleaning day! What the actual fuck, thought Frank. Sure, he could see the point behind it, and honestly
Who knew there was a different suggested pH for vaginal versus anal lube! And I actually mean that. WHO knew! The World Health Organization (WHO)
Toxic Sex Toys From Amazon As more people get comfortable with exploring the world of pegging, and sex toys in general, I see an alarming
5 Responses
That’s so true Ruby. Good on you 🙂
Thanks. I look forward to being able to practice what i preach someday soon…
Short, sweet and to the point – I am getting there but it is such a leap especially after 20 years of marriage. Maybe it is now time – I think I will feel free no matter her response.
I know of several couples who have experienced an entirely new period of sexual exploration and resurgence of sexual excitement because of pegging – after being married 20+ years!
Just take care how you tell her – read the “Convincing Your Partner” post first.
When I hit 50, I said to myself…if not now, when? It was an easier decision to explore pegging for me because I did not have a regular partner – much less have 20+ years invested. But still – perhaps the question might be appropriate for you, too – If not now…when?
I wish you courage and success.
Excellent advice. Indeed, if not now…when? courage, success and of course timing. Thank you.