Day 19 Orgasm 21

My guy comes home with his friend from the bar. The handsome friend that we have been both talking about seducing for months now. Overtones galore, we are pretty sure he's game, needing just a small push to join us in bed. I meet them both at the door wearing only lingerie. He's a goner.

We take him to the bedroom and undress him, both of us kissing him and kissing each other.  He's got a lovely cock and I want it inside me. I want it inside my mouth first. After I get a good taste and he's very hard I lay down and welcome him into my pussy. I tell him to be still when he's deep inside me so that my guy can play with his ass. First with his tongue, then fingers and finally his cock. Slowly, so very slowly we push and pull him back and forth between us, our eyes meeting over his shoulder and full of fire. He comes in a long shuddering orgasm between us and my guy follows quickly, coming deep in his ass.

I want my turn and pull my guy's tongue to my pussy. Our guest never lost his erection and slides it inside my guy's ass. The visuals are so hot I come hard and long.


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