Top 100 Sex Bloggers 2013!

Completely honored to be chosen once again for Rori's top 100 list. In the three years I have been on this list I've gone from 80 to 60 to 28! And check out the company I am in...Woo Hoo!

2013 Top Sex Bloggers list from Rori's Between My Sheets:

1. Lady Pandorah - Lady Pandorah’s Sanctuary @ladypandorah
2. Jerome - Let’s Talk About Sex @NotJeromeStuart
3. EA from Easily Aroused @EasilyAroused
4. Anna Sansom - The Lady Garden Project @ladygarden69
5. Violet Blue from Tiny Nibbles @violetblue
6. Dick and Jane from Dick-n-Jane
7. Kara from Kara Sutra Reviews @Kara_Sutra
8. Lauralyn from Big Ugly Pix
9. Remittance Girl - Remittance Girl @remittancegirl
10. Dorothy Black from The Dot Spot @dorothyblack
11. Monocle, Redbud, and Ximena - The Erotic Writer @_Monocle_ and @_Ximena_Writes_
12. Penny from Penny for Your (Dirty) Thoughts @pennysblog
13. Lauren from Queerie Bradshaw @QueerieBradshaw
14. MsQuote - A Good Woman’s Dirty Mind @GoodDirtyWoman
15. littlesubmissions - Little Submissions
16. Blacksilk from Being Blacksilk @BeingBlacksilk
17. Conina from Exploring Surrender
18. SGC from Submissive Guy Comics @SGCposts
19. Shelby Cross from Shelby Cross, Writer @Shelby_Cross
20. N. Likes from My Dissolute Life @nlikes
21. Jayne from Diary Incarnate
22. John from John D. Stories @johndstories
23. Z from Pervertically Virtuous @VirtuousPervert
24. LS&M from Love, Sex & Marriage
25. Bre from Owned, Collared, Loved @Pandasproperty
26. Hyacinth Jones - A Dissolute Life Means… @adissolutelife
27. Santha Smith - Secretly Sensuous @SSensuous
28. Ruby Ryder from Pegging Paradise @Ruby_Ryder
29. Charlie Glickman from Charlie Glickman @charlieglickman
30. Cliff from The Pervocracy @pervocracy
31. Marie Rebelle from Rebel’s Notes @rebelsnotes
32. Renee Rose from Renee Rose Romance @ReneeRoseAuthor
33. Lady Cheeky from Smut for Smarties @LadyCheeky
34. The Sin Doll from The Sin Doll @TheSinDoll
35. Cheeky Minx from Love Hate Sex Cake @LoveHateSexCake
36. Seamus from The Wistful Sinner
37. Athol Kay from Married Man Sex Life
38. Dangerous Lilly from This Could Be Dangerous @dangerouslilly
39. Lucas Brooks from Top To Bottom @Top2Bottom
40. Epiphora from Hey Epiphora @epiphora
41. Peroxide from Submissive in Seattle @Peroxide__
42. Axe from Unspeakable Axe @unspeakableaxe
43. Ferns from Domme Chronicles @Ferns__
44. Girl on the Net from Girl on the Net @girlonthenet
45. Joan Price from Naked at Our Age @joanprice
46. Cammies from Cammies on the Floor @cammiesonfloor
47. Venice and Ryan from Fuck Blogging @fuckblogging
48. Kaya from Under His Hand
49. Desi Dassi from Desi Dassi
50. Jz from A Reluctant Bitch
51. Cara from Cara Sutra @thecarasutra
52. Caitlin M. from Sexational! @sex_ational
53. Maggie Mayhem - Miss Maggie Mayhem @msmaggiemayhem
54. Marian from Creative Noodling
55. BD Swain - Leaning How To Tell You @redswain
56. Thumper from Denying Thumber @thumperMN
57. Panty Parade - Off Go The Panties
58. Jade Melisande from Kink and Poly @piecesofjade
59. Will from Lusty Limerickets
60. Mollena from The Perverted Negress @Mollena
61. Pyx from Syncopation
62. Sadie Quinn from Sadie Quinn @ladybugsadey
63. Chris McC from Stranded in Toronto @stranded_in_to
64. Kayla Lords from A Sexual Being @KaylaLords
65. vulgarvag from Vuldar Vag @vulgarvag
66. Maggie from The Honest Courtesan @Maggie_McNeill
67. Shon Richards from Erotiterrorist @shonrichards
68. nilla from Vanillamom’s Blog @swirlednilla
69. Wordwytch - Adventures of a Word Wytch
70. Anastassia - Diary of an Owned Slave @NatiraDarius
71. Dumb Domme from Dumb Domme @DumbDomme
72. Jill McDevitt - A Day in the Life of a Sexologist @sexologistjill
73. Fatal - You Linger Like a Haunting Refrain
74. lifeofalovergirl - Life of a Lover Girl @lovergirlslife
75. Michael from Malflic @malflic
76. Mrs. Fever from Temperature’s Rising
77. Tori from Pain’s Pleasure
78. rougedmount from rougedmount
79. Heather and Nikki from Vagina Antics @Heather_Cole1  @Nikki_Blue1
80. Perverse Cowgirl - Hiding in Plain Sight
81. Property of Potter - Property of Potter @pottersproperty
82. Anakin and padme - Journey to the Darkside @AnakinDarth  @padmeamidala
83. John Brownstone - Southern Sir’s Place
84. Joe Johnstun from Sexy Little Ideas @joejohnstun
85. Hedone from The Pleasure Principle @pleasure_spot
86. Sangsara from Sexuality Sanctuary @sangsaraB
87. Shadow from Shadowed Seductress @ShadowedS
88. Gemma from Erotic Adventures @swinginggemma
89. TJ from TJ’s Take @tjthemadhatter
90. Scarlett Dubois from A True Unfolding @ATrueUnfolding
91. Adriana Ravenlust from of Sex and Love
92. Ali from Ali’s Addiction @AlisAddiction
93. Jill from Naked All the Time @nakedjill
94. Emma from Dirty Little Whispers
95. paltego from Femdom Resource
96. Catherine Toyooka - Sex Spoken Here @Catcoaches
97. bilikesscifi from A Tale of Bi and Bi @bi_and_bi
98. Sarah from Marvelous Darling @marvydarling
99. mysticlez from Mystic’s Mind Fuck @mysticlez218

100. YOU! As always, I want to leave a place on this list for ALL the awesome sex bloggers out there! So please leave a comment on Between My Sheets with your name/URL to tell us about your sexy blog!

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