Podcast #96




Pegging Paradise Podcast #96

❤ Don't buy sex toys from Amazon
❤ New Toy Report - Share Vibe!
❤ Finally decided how I feel about Toxic Toys
❤ Reddit Prostate posts - check them out!
❤ She unhappy; he loves pegging and she hates it. He's not listening.
❤ They are pegging to the exclusion of PIV - is he demoralized?
❤ Ruby's G-Spot story and recommendations to a listener
❤ What panties are best for men? Most comfortable?


Prostate Posts on Reddit

A Guide to Multiple Prostate Orgasms
Your Prostate and all the Fun that can come from it!
Aneros Forum

Kink-Friendly and Alternative Relationship Style-friendly Counselor
Kate Loree, LMFT 

Strap-on Harness for the Man to wear for extended play or Dual Penetration
Spare Parts Deuce Harness - Worn by the Man!!

G-Spot Toys!!
Njoy Purewand
Lelo Ella -  On Sale for $20
Lelo Ina 2
Don't forget to use the coupon code Ruby for 20% off when you shop!!

Panties for Men that Fit
Male Power
Fresh Pair


10 Responses

  1. Hi Ruby
    I’ve got an Aneros Progasm, which I enjoy, recently purchased a Nexus Revo 2. Only used the Revo a couple of times now, but I’m coming to love it (pun intended). Aneros is nice, you can leave it in for a while & enjoy, a rather “passive” toy, whilst the Revo – well that demands your attention…
    Merry Christmas! I hope you and yours have a relaxing holiday.

  2. Once again Ruby, you have found a photo that expresses how I feel about things here at Pegging Paradise. It leaves you imagining what he is doing in front…I can only imagine a nice lifelike girlcock with balls. So feminine, so masculine and so bisexual at the same time. Another photo you need to show during May 2015. You rock Ruby!!

  3. Hello Ruby,
    Had a quick question was wondering if you could recommend a great double end strap on dildo to help my wife get off more often and easier while she is fucking me? We have the spare parts jocque harness and a few great dildo choices but she wants a little more stimulation for herself and we both know that means I may get more ass play if she can cum more while bending me over. If you have any advice I would greatly appreciate it so I can hopefully get one ordered today. Thank you in advance for your time.

  4. You aren’t the only one thinking it’s bad to buy sex toys from Amazon (and other places such as ebay). Dangerous Lilly wrote a very good piece on her blog about that recently (http://dangerouslilly.com/2014/11/sex-toys-from-amazon-gamble/).

    I’m also pleased to hear your most recent thoughts on the issue of Toxic Toys. I didn’t agree with your previous stance that there was a place for them for those people who couldn’t afford the toys made out of body safe materials, even though I am one of those people who can’t readily afford the toys made out of body safe materials. Luckily, the madness that occurs around this time of year with the Black Friday and Christmas sales, I was able to pick up a handful of different toys from a variety of reputable stores for a lot less money (I missed out on getting a Tantus Ryder for under $10 direct from Tantus though).

    You may have to find an additional piece of music to play for “Pegging Un-Celebration Time” which would be for situations such as what the disagreeing pegging couple have found themselves in. Things are going to get worse for them in one way or another over this.

    1. Steven – It took a while to tease out my thoughts about my toxic toy stance after listening to some very well respected sex educators voice opinions opposite to the majority. But yeah – not buying it.

      That is a good article from Lilly! I came across it a while back.

      it’s always sad when relationships don’t work. But i don’t think I want music for it! 🙁

  5. I took your best orgasm experiences and applied them to my relationship. Like you my orgasms are “shy” so I tried using my toy in me with my hubby kisses on me and plays with me. All I can say is OMG best orgasms ever!!!!

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