Bend Over and Take It


"Bend over and take it."

It's a common metaphor. Apart from the dirty talk type of fun sexual meaning, this phrase and variations of it are most commonly used by men in our society to mean being treated unfairly, manipulated, cheated, or hurt in some way. There is also an implied subordinate position on the part of the person 'taking' it.
"He might as well have told me to just bend over and take it in the ass," says the guy who not only didn't get a raise but was asked by his boss to work late on a salary. Definitely a negative connotation.
So how can prostate pleasure aficionados transmute the phrase 'bend over and take it' to mean a mind-blowing, sexy and erotic act that can send you to the moon with pleasure while you tremble in ecstasy?
The swing of the pendulum regarding pegging and prostate pleasure is too far over into the territory of constriction and fear because of society's sex-negative attitudes. It is entirely too much about how prostate owners will be talked about or viewed by others. So let's try something.
Let's change the narrative.
In the world of pegging and prostate pleasure, let's take back that phrase and re-frame it in the positive.
Bend over and TAKE IT!
Embrace it.
Because you want it.
Because you love it.
Because orgasmic prostate pleasure is your birthright.
Because it's your G-spot!
Because it's a new sexual adventure, and who doesn't like those!?
Because it can send you to the moon with pleasure while you tremble in ecstasy.
Because you deserve to be sent to the moon with pleasure while you tremble in ecstasy.
So by all means, definitely bend over and take it!
Why wouldn't you?!?
Be loud and proud about it. If you are in a position to do so, be bold! Prostate pleasure is something that you love, you deserve, and is there for the taking. So courageously claim it for yourself! Do indeed take it.
Whether you are bent over, laying down, pleasuring yourself, riding your partner, or in a sweet missionary embrace kissing your partner while they are buried inside you...

Take it!

For the religious among you, God put that pleasure spot inside your ass, after all. Do you really think that she would not have wanted you to enjoy it!? Make her proud that you found the Easter Egg in her stunning design of your body.

Take it.

Be the brave one riding the carousel, lean out while you hold on tight and grab the golden ring of prostate pleasure. Because once obtained, this gold ring will give you countless free rides.

Bend over...and take it.


2 Responses

  1. Nice essay and declaration.
    Similarly, like calling someone a “pussy” is somehow negative and demeaning, when the Pussy is so Powerful, of course!!

    1. Agreed! Pussies rock, as do cocks. Our society too often uses body parts (usually sexually related) as insults, whether slang or not. Dick, pussy, asshole, twat, cunt, ass, etc.

      I say we find the right adjective instead of using sexually-related nouns.

      Selfish, manipulating, careless, arrogant, bombastic, wimpy, self-righteous, weak, dishonest, player, thoughtless – there are so many great adjectives!

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