Different Ways of Opening Up For Pegging
So let’s talk about opening up asses. But first let’s talk about the word foreplay. This is a word I wish had never been invented where PIV (penis in vagina) intercourse is concerned. Foreplay is the first act of the

The Many Ways to Bend Over; How Words Matter
Bend Over as an Insult In my efforts to educate people about Pegging, one of the things I address is this patriarchal bullshit of using anal penetration as an insult – specifically for men. I listen to a political podcast

The Simple Question That Has So Many Answers
Need help.Having some trouble keeping her interested in pegging me. Help please some advice DMs are open. This is anything but a simple question, as it turns out. Let’s explore the possibilities… These are all potential contributing factors when pegging

The Right Lube pH for Where You Use It
Who knew there was a different suggested pH for vaginal versus anal lube! And I actually mean that. WHO knew! The World Health Organization (WHO) has different suggested lube pH for vaginal versus anal use (pdf). Isn’t it just the

My Annual Movember Fundraiser is Now Live!
Here’s my Mo Space to donate! And here’s an easy QR code, too! My Movember Motivation Every year in November, I try and encourage all you lovely readers of this blog and listeners of my podcast to help me raise

Exploring My Inner Inertia in a Complicated World
Inertia can be powerful. What does one do when encountering a persistent avoidance in handling, well, life? That’s the question I’ve been struggling with lately. I’m not talking about the basics of cooking, eating, taking care of my body, my

It’s Good to be Clean
Masturbation Month 2024 #29 (Link to Part One) Cleaning day! What the actual fuck, thought Frank. Sure, he could see the point behind it, and honestly wasn’t well-versed on how often a chastity cage needed to be removed to ensure good

Freedom Beckoned, if Only For Two Full Seconds
Masturbation Month 2024 #28 (Link to Part One) Saturday morning dawned. Cynthia woke up early and went for a run. Last night’s sexy shenanigans with Frank were still echoing in her head. She felt happy and inspired. When she got back

The Best Kind of Railing
Masturbation Month 2024 #27 (Link to Part One) Times past when Frank had wanted to be fucked hard and powerfully, and Cynthia hadn’t been able to bring it, for whatever reason, he had resorted to suction cup toys. Solo play was

Frank is in Charge of the Ride!
Masturbation Month 2024 #26 (Link to Part One) Cynthia got out of the bath, dried off, and went straight over to their toy drawer. She rooted around in the back and found both items she was looking for. “Yes!” She said

Frank is Down For the Whole Ride
Masturbation Month 2024 #25 (Link to Part One) Frank didn’t have much to clean up beyond tossing the pizza box and wiping down the coffee table. He lingered in the kitchen a bit to give Cynthia some time to enjoy

His Heart Swelled, Along With Other Things
Masturbation Month 2024 #24 (Link to Part One) Oh yes, Frank’s heart swells, but you need the history. Let me explain. Masturbation Month 2024 is here! And I have added to the story of Frank and Cynthia’s adventure for the

Enthusiastic Consent is More Than Just Yes
Can We Talk About Enthusiastic Consent? We’ve all been there, when someone says ‘yes’. But you can tell by their tone, body language or attitude that it’s really a ‘no’. Whatever your offer or proposal was, their response gives you

Don’t Put a Condom on that Toxic Sex Toy!
Toxic Sex Toys From Amazon As more people get comfortable with exploring the world of pegging, and sex toys in general, I see an alarming trend. People are buying sex toys on Amazon. Makes sense, as we are all seduced
Your Source For All Things Pegging
Information and resources for anal sex, bdsm, strap-ons, intimacy, and female domination. Let Ruby know what you think! Leave a comment, register for erotica, or catch a webinar.