Enthusiastic Consent is More Than Just Yes

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Tag: consent

Enthusiastic consent

Enthusiastic Consent is More Than Just Yes

Can We Talk About Enthusiastic Consent? We’ve all been there, when someone says ‘yes’. But you can tell by their tone, body language or attitude that it’s really a ‘no’. Whatever your offer or proposal was, their response gives you

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Podcast #300

Here it is! Presenting Podcast #300 Part Two!

Podcast #300 Part 2, where Michelle and I continue the conversation talking about responsive desire, celebrating people’s no, and more. We explore touch, awakening the prostate, foreplay in solo anal exploration, and giving yourself permission. And don’t forget, Soft Cock

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Ruby Ryder shares interview with Zach Budd about pegging and consent

Podcast #296 Interview with Zach Budd

Pegging Paradise Podcast #296 My interview with Zach Budd, and his reflections on consent, anal receptive play, and where the two meet, are an interesting listen. The journey he took that led him to take a deep dive into exactly

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Ruby Ryder shares gif of tattooed man face down being pegged by woman with strap-on

Two Weeks of Fond Memories

Part Five – Two Weeks of Fond Memories Oh, Lordy, while we are on that subject, I have never met a man who enjoys being fucked as much as you do! We moved in together after we’d been dating for

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Masturbation Month #11

Happy Masturbation Month!! To romp, rejoice, and revel…I offer audio erotic short stories for you.One every day, all month long, in celebration of self-pleasuring! All In Enjoy! To the Hilt,Ruby P.S. – And you can get that plug right here!

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Podcast #218 – Ashley Manta Interview

Listen to Pegging Paradise Podcast #218 ❤ Patron/Donation update ❤ Interview with Ashley Manta of Cannasexual®! ❤ Medical/Therapeutic benefits of Cannabis products ❤ Lots of Links to explore! Linkorama Ashley Cannasexual.com Ashley Manta on Twitter Ashley Manta on Facebook Support

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Podcast #184

Listen to Pegging Paradise Podcast #184 ❤ Bisexuality Podcast Update! Deadline Feb 7th. ❤ An under-the-weather Ruby rants and muses about #metoo, consent when dating, keyholders and gatekeepers, and personal experiences.  

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Guest Blogger – “Why I Want Your Ass”

Many of you who gentlemen who come to this website are hungry to hear women talk about why they love pegging. What is it about penetrating your fine asses that we love so much? Hearing these stories gives you all

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New Story Posted!

Click here to read: Blue Lace Teaser: Karen and her girlfriend are at a party. A decidedly non-kinky party. Imagine Karen’s surprise when she sees that bit of blue lace. Shenanigans ensue and the party guests are none the wiser.

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6 Inch

Blue Lace Panties

Karen and her girlfriend are at a party. A decidedly non-kinky party. Imagine Karen’s surprise when she sees that bit of blue lace. Shenanigans ensue and the party guests are none the wiser.
2500 words
panties, spontaneity, doing what you want, consent is sexy

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