V-Day Advice
Okay, so Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Listen up, all you people with partners! You need to remember something. Please keep in mind Dan Savage’s sage advice for Valentine’s Day: Fuck First Think about it. All kinds of
Okay, so Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Listen up, all you people with partners! You need to remember something. Please keep in mind Dan Savage’s sage advice for Valentine’s Day: Fuck First Think about it. All kinds of
Encountered this lovely piece of creative exampleship of a GGG relationship on Reddit/sex forum. Everyone unanimously agreed that this man was lucky as fuck to have a girlfriend so amazing. I read this and was so charmed. I love the
I was high. High on life and love. Loving and living in a paradise of deep emotions, joy, lust and hotel rooms. And then I fell off a cliff. Not a cliff I saw coming. Not a cliff I chose
Several times lately I have come across the concept of a woman having little interest in doing something sexually to her guy because she “doesn’t get anything out of it”. The first time I ran across this attitude was when