It was a long day yesterday. By the time I crawled between the covers, I didn't have much energy for a complicated fantasy.
So I pulled out an old faithful. It was an amateur porn video of two guys fucking. The passion was intense. Lots of kissing. The one doing the fucking had a sizable cock. The one getting fucked was clearly enjoying the size of it. I love watching guys fuck, it is often so primal, and intensely physical. Rougher than sex with a woman usually is.
That's one of the things I love about working out and being strong. I can at least approach that kind of rough, physical sex. It rocks. And surprises the men I fuck.
Anyway, it didn't take long with the pictures of those two guys in my head. A quick Hitachi orgasm with my fingers teasing my nipples, and I was a happy woman, quickly fading off to sleep.