Happy 12th Birthday, Pegging Paradise!
Wow. Twelve years!
Looking back, I'm so thankful that I decided to dive down the rabbit hole of pegging twelve years ago. I've discovered far more than I ever knew existed in the realm of male receptive anal penetration and stimulation. Lately the overlap between vulnerability, anal penetration, and masculinity have been of particular interest to me. That is likely not news to you if you've been listening to my podcasts! This amazing rabbit hole is taking me further than I ever imagined. I continue to enjoy the journey immensely.
A HUGE Thank You!
Thanks to all of you, Pegging Paradise is a what it is today; a safe harbor for accurate, shame-free, and comprehensive information about pegging. I greatly appreciate your willingness to share your stories and ask questions that send me scurrying to find the answers. We all learn in the process! I also give thanks to those of you who have taken the time to show me another side to a subject that I have missed, and correct me when I have erred. It really does take a village. And I am so happy to call you my village! You all seriously rock.
Join Me and Say Hello!
To celebrate, I'll be opening up my Zoom room during the next few days, for anyone who wants to join me. I've scheduled a variety of days and times for you. Come to one or come to them all! Whether you just want to say hello, ask some questions, or just chat - you are welcome to come hang out with me in my judgement-free Zoom Room.
Here's the schedule:
Happy 12th Birthday Zoom Rooms
#1 Friday May 13th 5PM - 6:30PM Pacific - Link to Join
#2 Saturday May 14th 1:30PM - 3PM Pacific - Link to Join
#3 Sunday May 15th 9AM - 10:30AM Pacific - Link to Join
#4 Tuesday May 17 6PM - 7:30PM Pacific - Link to Join
Here is a time zone calculator for you, in case you need it.