Day 8 Orgasm 9

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day 8 Orgasm 9

I know, I’m behind, right? Though it’s a lovely place to be under the right circumstances, I do apologize for making you wait. However I have been making notes in my busy world so that once I had a moment

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

A Little Inspiration?

Mine from Alvaro de la Herrán on Vimeo. Need a little inspiration for Masturbation Month? This has a D/s theme, for those of you who like that kind of thing. It also has a man in a suit. Mmmm. Enjoy.

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Pegging Paradise Turns 3!!

  Pegging Paradise turns 3 today and I’m quite happy about that. What started off as a simple yearning to share my pegging erotica with the world has turned into a life I never could have imagined. I am very

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day 7 Orgasm 8

I don’t watch much porn besides amateur. But on the sites I go to for amateur, there are pro porn clips as well. I enjoy the gay porn there. I enjoy watching them fuck like men. That different way of

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Podcast #46 – Bisexuality

Pegging Paradise Podcast #46 ❤ Masturbation Month reminder!! ❤ Readers write about the intersection of bisexuality and pegging in their lives. ❤ Reviewed by! ❤ Masturbation Month Re-Reminder ❤ Pegging Paradise’s 3rd birthday is coming up on May 10th.

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day 6 Orgasm 7

Had a dream last night about welcoming a new man into my bed. It was a spontaneous thing. He was tall, slender and our bodies felt so good together, naked, skin to skin. I was running my fingers through his

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day 5 Orgasm 6

The moment of insertion is magical. That first moan has vulnerability, amazement and conquered taboos all wrapped up in a pretty package of sound. It’s breathy and soft and surprised and dripping with desire. Especially when it’s a bit of

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day 4 Orgasms 4 & 5

It was their first time together. Both just wanted someone to play with, share hot lusty nights with now and again. He was used to being…used. For whatever his ex wanted. He found a certain comfort in that type of

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day 3 Orgasm 3

  Inspiration It was a hot afternoon. Sultry. Ella couldn’t wait for her husband to get home. Walking around the house naked was getting old. So she decided to read some erotica. She laid down on the couch out on

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day 2 Orgasm 2

With the gender reversal aspect of pegging – I have become aware of many typically male viewpoints. Like this one: Skirts are so accessible. I am picturing watching these men do a kind of dancing battle, the winner of which

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